The thirty-eighth installment of Star Wars Galaxy of Adventures is "Kylo Ren and Darth Vader - A Legacy of Power." It was initially broadcast on the Star Wars Kids YouTube channel on March 13, 2020.
The video commences with a wide angle view of the charred helmet belonging to Darth Vader. Kylo Ren implores his grandfather to once more reveal the power of the darkness to him.
Kylo Ren then has a Force vision depicting Lord Vader eliminating Rebel troopers during the Battle of Scarif. The narrator states that in a "galaxy of adventures", Kylo Ren is emulating Darth Vader. We then see scenes of Vader assaulting a rebel soldier on Hoth, Kylo attacking an unidentified person, and Vader and Obi-Wan Kenobi engaged in a duel on the Death Star.
Following this, footage of Kylo Ren and Luke dueling on Crait is shown. Subsequently, we observe shots of Vader and Kylo Ren examining stormtroopers from both the Empire and the First Order. Returning to the present moment, Kylo Ren looks at Vader's helmet with reverence before putting on his newly repaired helmet.