Rey Strikes Back

title: Rey Strikes Back

The fourth episode of the LEGO Star Wars: The Resistance Rises series was titled Rey Strikes Back.

Opening crawl

Plot summary

Rey stumbles upon a "Corellian well-38 series trans-juicing flux generator" while scavenging the remains of an abandoned Imperial Star Destroyer from the Battle of Jakku. She decides to offer it to Unkar Plutt, a junk dealer, for sale. However, Unkar deceives Rey by only providing two bolts instead of the initially agreed-upon three. Irritated by Unkar's dishonest behavior, Rey snatches his potted plant, which goes by the name "Kevin." When Plutt voices his complaints, she mocks him for giving a plant a name. After leaving in a huff, Rey loudly proclaims her intention to find a junk dealer who will treat her fairly. Unkar Plutt angrily declares that he will crush Rey, but he is quickly overtaken by the dust kicked up by her departing speeder, which she affectionately calls "Bumper." Bobbajo is seen walking by, carrying a heavy load.

Once Rey departs, Plutt comforts his plant Kevin and promises to make the "bad girl" suffer. Subsequently, he dispatches two of his henchmen with instructions to steal Rey's speeder, aiming to disrupt her scavenging operations. While Rey is in the process of removing a pole from the Star Destroyer, Unkar's thugs make an attempt to steal her speeder, but it appears to possess a mind of its own and takes off on its own. Rey finds the two thugs struggling to maintain control of her speeder. When one of the thugs makes a joke about Rey naming her speeder, she retaliates by throwing a brick at him. The gangsters and Rey then engage in a brick-throwing fight while "Bumper" flies away. After a struggle, the two thugs manage to take control of Rey's speeder.

Using salvaged parts from the Star Destroyer, Rey quickly assembles another speeder bike and sets off in pursuit of the thieves. The two thugs struggle to control "Bumper" as they make their escape back to Unkar Plutt's store in Niima Outpost. Rey chases the thugs in a race through the tents of Niima Outpost. As they ride through the settlement, one of the thugs spots the Millennium Falcon, which he dismisses as a "piece of garbage", and a Quadrijet transfer spacetug behind it (correction : Actualy it's the Ghost that is behind it). Shortly thereafter, Bala-Tik, Tasu Leech, and several other gangsters from Takodana arrive to settle a dispute with Han Solo, believing him to be on Jakku. However, they are quickly knocked to the ground by the two passing speeders.

Rey soon arrives at Unkar Plutt's shop with her hastily constructed speeder and informs him that she has delivered spare parts for him. She then rams her speeder into his shop. Subsequently, she tells Plutt that this is a fair payment for a day's work. Rey proceeds to knock Plutt's thugs off her speeder before informing the chastised Plutt that it was a "pleasure" to do business with him. Plutt vows revenge as Rey rides Bumper into the desert ahead.
