Hunting for Han marked the third installment in the LEGO Star Wars: The Resistance Rises series.
At Maz Kanata's castle situated on Takodana, a cloaked alien requests a table in the section reserved for thieves. The bouncer informs him that the area is at capacity, but offers to guide the alien to the less reputable section. The hooded alien reluctantly agrees and follows the bouncer into the castle's cantina. Upon entering the castle, the alien retrieves an unidentified item from his pocket. Simultaneously, Maz Kanata is entertaining Bala-Tik, the negotiator for the Guavian Death Gang, who wishes to sell her a case of interest for her collection of memorabilia located at the back of the cantina. However, Bala-Tik then demands that she reveal the whereabouts of a "cheat" known as Han Solo in exchange. Bala-Tik presents a photograph of Han, which attracts the attention of the other patrons.
When Maz inquires about Tik's issues with Solo, the gangster replies that Solo is in debt to him. Bala-Tik is quickly joined by Tasu Leech and the Kanjiklub gang, who assert that Han owes them several rathtars. Bala-Tik maintains that Solo is his bounty. The other patrons then insist on settling their own scores with Han. Maz proceeds to ask the patrons why they continue to engage in business with Han, given his questionable character. An Ithorian responds that Han possesses a certain roguish charm. The other patrons list various grievances with Han, including stolen speeders, weapons, and starships. One patron even points out that Han shot Greedo, leading another to retort that Greedo shot first.
Bala-Tik initiates an attack on Tasu Leech, and a brawl erupts within the cantina. Before Maz can intervene, the patrons inflict damage upon her "Princess Leia Battle of Endor speeder bike." Incensed by the destruction of her property, Maz employs Skywalker's lightsaber to sever several pieces of masonry, which subsequently fall upon the unruly patrons. Bala-Tik and Tasu Leech immediately cease their fighting. A hooded "old-timer" then informs them that Han Solo was last spotted on Jakku, where his ship, the Millennium Falcon, had been pilfered. The gangsters then depart Maz's castle and rush towards Jakku.
Following the gangsters' departure, Maz sheathes Luke's lightsaber and commends the hooded "old-timer" for eliminating them. The "old-timer" then reveals himself to be none other than Lando Calrissian, whose voice Maz recognizes. Maz and Lando then examine Bala-Tik's stash of weapons, which are revealed to be musical instruments. The two then proceed to play the musical instruments.