A human male who held the rank of lieutenant within the Galactic Empire, Roggo served the Empire faithfully. He was chosen to accompany Colonel Alva Brenne, who was also the Chief Imperial Architect, on a journey to Mustafar. The purpose of their trip was for Brenne to design a fortress for Darth Vader on that planet. During their travels, the two Imperials came across the mask that once belonged to the ancient Sith Lord known as Darth Momin while aboard their ship. Once on Mustafar, Momin's spirit, still within the mask, seized control of Roggo's body, compelling him to murder Colonel Brenne. In response, Darth Vader killed Roggo, thereby freeing him from Momin's influence.

During the Imperial Era, Lieutenant Roggo, a human male, was a member of the Galactic Empire. Not long after Darth Vader survived an attempt on his life, Roggo, along with other Imperial Officers, was summoned to the Coruscant auditorium. It was there that Roggo observed Lord Vader employing the Force to choke his would-be assassins until they were dead. Roggo later shared this account with Alva Brenne, the Chief Imperial Architect.
Following the Rogue Inquisitor chase that occurred on Coruscant, Roggo was tasked with aiding Imperial architect Alva Brenne in the design of a fortress intended for Darth Vader. Brenne had been handpicked by Emperor Palpatine to accompany Darth Vader on a journey to Mustafar, a planet characterized by its volcanic activity.

During their voyage to Mustafar, both Roggo and Brenne noticed a mask that Lord Vader had brought with him. Unbeknownst to them, this mask had once belonged to Darth Momin, an ancient Sith Lord, and his spirit was still bound to it.
As they descended into Mustafar's atmosphere, Roggo and Brenne were taken aback to discover that Vader had intentionally deactivated the deflector shields of their starship. The intense heat caused the exterior of the J-type 327 Nubian starship to melt and become brittle. The ship eventually landed on the Gahenn Plains, situated near a Sith cave that Vader frequented. Roggo supported Brenne by providing her with tea as she worked, and they both spent time observing the natural environment of Mustafar.

After completing the initial designs for Vader's fortress, Brenne left the starship and entered the Sith Cave to present the completed plans to the Dark Lord. While Brenne was away, Roggo became possessed by the spirit of the deceased Lord Momin. By placing the Mask of Momin on his head, Momin was able to seize control of Roggo's physical form. Upon Brenne's return to the ship, Roggo, now under Momin's control, shot Brenne in the chest, resulting in her death. Momin then began working on his own design for the fortress, using Roggo's body as a vessel.
Upon discovering Brenne's lifeless body, Lord Vader quickly entered the ship to confront the colonel's killer. Without any hesitation, Vader struck down Lieutenant Roggo with his lightsaber. Roggo was killed, but Momin's spirit remained unharmed within his mask.
Roggo's demise prevented Momin from continuing his work on the fortress design. Through communication via the Force, Darth Vader and Lord Momin reached an agreement to collaborate towards their respective goals. Vader allowed Momin to continue his work on what would eventually become Fortress Vader. Momin used a Mustafarian native and several humans as hosts.
As a Lieutenant in the Galactic Empire, Roggo was typically seen wearing the standard olive [uniform](/article/imperial_military_uniforms], complete with a Rank insignia plaque displaying 2 red squares above 2 blue squares. While assisting Colonel Alva Brenne on Mustafar, he frequently carried a datapad.
Lieutenant Roggo made his debut appearance in Darth Vader (2017) 21, which was released on September 12, 2018.