Alva Brenne

Alva Brenne, a human female, held the rank of colonel and served as the Chief Imperial Architect within the structure of the Galactic Empire. Her primary duty involved transforming the former Jedi Temple of the defunct Jedi Order into the Imperial Palace. During the Imperial era, Emperor Palpatine tasked her with the responsibility of designing structures as Darth Vader required on his chosen planet of Mustafar. While engaged in the design of a castle for Lord Vader, Brenne met her demise at the hands of Lieutenant Roggo, who was under the control of the ancient Sith Lord's Darth Momin mask.


Serving the Emperor

Alva Brenne supervised the modifications that converted the Jedi temple into the Imperial Palace.

Alva Brenne, a human female, functioned as a colonel and the Chief Imperial Architect for the Galactic Empire. In the year 19 BBY, subsequent to the Empire's ascent and the Jedi Order's downfall, Brenne oversaw the alterations applied to the Jedi Temple situated on Coruscant. Every vestige of the Jedi was eliminated, and the temple underwent a transformation into the Imperial Palace of Emperor Palpatine. Impressed by Brenne's efforts on the Imperial Palace, Emperor Palpatine gave Brenne the assignment to create Darth Vader's fortress on the planet Mustafar, in addition to any other structures that the Dark Lord deemed suitable.

Mission to Mustafar

Following the Inquisitorius situation, Brenne goes with Vader to Mustafar to come up with a design for his base.

After the Rogue Inquisitor chase on Coruscant, Colonel Brenne, along with Lieutenant Roggo, traveled with Darth Vader aboard the Naboo Royal Starship to Mustafar. As they neared Mustafar, Vader informed Brenne that she was to assume control of the ship once they entered Mustafar's orbit. While on the starship, Brenne and Roggo considered which aesthetic would be most fitting for the Dark Lord's fortress. Brenne initially thought Vader would prefer a minimalist approach to his castle, but the elegant design of Vader's J-type 327 Nubian starship made Brenne question her conclusion. An ancient, "sinister" mask located on the ship attracted the attention of Brenne and Roggo. Unbeknownst to the two imperials, the mask was the host of the spirit of its former owner, the Sith Lord Darth Momin.

As they entered Mustafar's atmosphere, Brenne and Roggo were warned by the ship's safety system that the external hull temperatures had reached dangerous levels. Upon closer inspection, Roggo discovered the Nubian starship was entering Mustafar's atmosphere without any shields. Despite their pleas, the pilot, Vader, refused to reactivate the starship shields. In a panic, Brenne reached for her blaster, but she was quickly disarmed by the Dark Lord, who reiterated that the Emperor had placed her and Roggo under Vader's command. The three landed on the Gahenn Plains near a Sith cave Vader had previously visited. The once pristine, mirror-finished hull of the Nubian starship had been melted to a crisp due to Vader's risky approach. Upon seeing the ship exterior, Brenne told Roggo that she now had a better understanding of Darth Vader's aesthetic.

Alva Brenne immediately started working on the design of Darth Vader's castle. At first, Brenne took a simple, practical approach when designing Vader's fortress. After scouting the natural landmarks, Brenne concluded she would have the initial castle designs completed in four to five hours. The natural lava flow that ran over the Sith Cave was planned to be incorporated into the castle's design. Brenne presented her finished castle schematics to Vader; however, the Sith Lord was unimpressed with the design. Setback, Brenne retreated to retool the designs in hopes of pleasing the dark lord.


Brenne is found dead by Lord Vader before running into Roggo who is controlled by the Mask of Lord Momin.

While Colonel Brenne was presenting her designs to Lord Vader, the spirit of Lord Momin, which was hosted within the ancient mask, had taken control of Roggo. When Brenne returned to the ship to rework her designs, Roggo, now a host for Momin, shot and killed Brenne. Momin then began to create his own design for Darth Vader's castle. Brenne's corpse was quickly discovered by Lord Vader, who swiftly cut down murderer Roggo with his lightsaber.


Despite Roggo's death, Momin's spirit remained unharmed within his mask. Momin communed with Darth Vader, and the two Sith Lords agreed to cooperate to further their goals. Momin was to continue designing Vader's castle, which would now act as a doorway through the Force that could tune the energies of the dark side locus on Mustafar. Alva Brenne's designs for the fortress were unused by Momin, who instead opted to use his own approach when designing the castle. The castle went through 9 different designs before it was finalized as "Fortress Vader."

Personality and traits

Alva Brenne was a human female that had light skin, blonde hair, and blue eyes. Brenne was highly regarded by Emperor Palpatine, who described her work as "very good." She was confident in her work as an architect but had doubts that she would be able to design a fortress that would please Darth Vader.


As a Colonel in the Imperial Officer Corps, Alva Brenne wore the standard olive uniform, with a Rank insignia plaque displaying 4 red squares over 4 blue. On her mission to Mustafar, Brenne carried a SE-14r light repeating blaster holstered to her hip.

Behind the scenes

Alva Brenne's designs would be the start of the design phase for what would eventually become Fortress Vader.

Colonel Alva Brenne debuted in Darth Vader (2017) 21, which was published on September 12, 2018. This marked her sole appearance in the comic series; however, she received a direct mention in the opening crawl of the subsequent issue, Darth Vader (2017) 22.

