Situated within a desolate desert area on the planet, Ronion was a city constructed as a bio-dome for the New Mandalorians. This relatively small and remote settlement felt the impact of Duchess Satine Kryze's declaration of neutrality for Mandalore during the Clone Wars, leading to a significant food shortage when the Galactic Republic shifted its trade priorities. As the people of Mandalore struggled to survive and turned to the black market, becoming embroiled in illicit activities, a mysterious figure known as "Mera Mal" hired smugglers to transport desperately needed foodstuffs to the city.

Located on the Outer Rim world of Mandalore, the city of Ronion represented a small New Mandalorian community. This isolated town, protected by a bio-dome, was established within a harsh desert region of the planet. The city's perimeter featured various shipping docks, with landing platforms overseen by a director and customs officials responsible for regulating the flow of goods.
Following the destruction suffered by the Mandalorian homeworld, Ronion was built as a protected bio-dome, evolving into a remote and small example of Mandalorian life.
After Duchess Satine Kryze announced in 21 BBY that Mandalore would maintain its neutrality during the [Clone Wars](/article/clone_wars], trade routes to the Outer Rim planet, previously supported by the Galactic Republic, were largely discontinued and redirected elsewhere. Without the Republic's assistance, communities across Mandalore began to experience food shortages, leaving many residents hungry. Ronion was among the most severely affected by these shortages. To address this critical situation, Prime Minister Almec of the Mandalorian Government Council secretly took it upon himself to establish a black market network to provide food to those in need.
During these clandestine operations, a mysterious figure known as "Mera Mal" contacted a group of smugglers, tasking them with delivering fifty cases of Corellian Run MultiMeals to Ronion. While collecting the packaged food supplies from Warehouse 305, the smugglers were approached by the warehouse manager, Yilon Kres, who offered to sell them an additional fifty cases of counterfeit MultiMeals to conceal among the genuine ones for a higher profit. Although the fake supplies appeared authentic, they offered little nutritional value. Upon arriving at their destination, the smugglers were greeted at the Ronion docks by landing pad manager Iak Wal, who attempted to persuade them to abandon their mission and instead transport their goods to Sundari in exchange for a significantly larger reward.
Ronion was initially introduced into Star Wars canon within the roleplaying game supplement, Collapse of the Republic, released on June 28, 2019 by Fantasy Flight Games.