Saadoon-Kauldi, a Kadri'Ra who could feel the Force, was once a slave. He gained his freedom thanks to members of the Badawzi family, a Twi'lek clan. To show his appreciation, Saadoon-Kauldi willingly became an indentured servant to the Badawzis, eventually leaving them on amicable terms. Subsequently, he rose to become a crime lord involved in spice dealing, establishing his own criminal empire. Throughout his criminal career, Saadoon-Kauldi dedicated resources to liberating slaves whenever possible. This led many freed slaves to become loyal followers, bolstering his power and influence. However, numerous slaver guilds opposed him, pushing for a bounty to be placed on his head. Following several assassination attempts, Saadoon-Kauldi's paranoia grew. Abdi-Badawzi, a Twi'lek crime boss operating within the Socorro system, used the Caelli-Merced Syndicate as a front to offer Saadoon-Kauldi the bulk cruiser Merkel, hoping to persuade the Kadri'Ra to relocate to Socorro and become his business associate. Saadoon-Kauldi accepted the offer and took up residence in the Merkel, positioned in orbit above Neftali. Despite being surrounded by allies like the Black Bha'lir and the Socorran Navy, he rarely ventured out of the ship.
From his base above Neftali, Saadoon-Kauldi generated wealth through shell corporations and agreements with local criminals. He was known for supporting his allies in times of need and consistently treating them with respect. Consequently, he was widely esteemed both within and beyond the Socorro system. Furthermore, Saadoon-Kauldi started supplying weapons to the Alliance to Restore the Republic after the Galactic Empire backed the decimation of the Kadri'Ra on Arapia. As the Empire attempted to discredit the Kadri'Ra language, Saadoon-Kauldi stubbornly refused to communicate in any other language. He also attempted to recruit the young pirate Drake Paulsen, but Paulsen chose to join the Black Bha'lir instead. Later, Paulsen and his companions, including the smugglers Thaddeus Ross and Tait Ransom, were wanted by the Empire for the murder of the Twi'lek Izzat. Because they were affiliated with the Black Bha'lir, one of Saadoon-Kauldi's allies, the Kadri'Ra offered Ross and Ransom refuge and protection.
On the planet Arapia, the homeworld of the immigrated, dragon-like Kadri'Ra [species](/article/species-legends], a male Kadri'Ra named Saadoon-Kauldi was born. Although he was born with the potential to use the Force, Saadoon-Kauldi never learned to control or sense it. At some point, Saadoon-Kauldi was taken into slavery, but he was later freed by the Badawzi family, a powerful and influential group of Twi'lek merchants hailing from the planet Ryloth. Feeling that he had nothing to offer in return, Saadoon-Kauldi considered himself indebted to the Badawzis. For years, the Kadri'Ra served the Badawzis, and the Twi'leks treated him with a level of respect he hadn't experienced as a slave. Eventually, Saadoon-Kauldi and the Badawzis parted ways amicably, and he embarked on his own venture—a criminal empire.
Saadoon-Kauldi successfully gained control of some existing spice trafficking routes. He then employed smugglers and seized control of spice processing facilities and clandestine shadowports. Through his involvement in drug dealing, he gained recognition as a respected and promising crime lord. Saadoon-Kauldi's power stemmed from forging alliances with other criminals, rather than relying on fear to control his subordinates, as was common among most crime lords. He continued to expand his empire, acquiring assets within the Arapia system. The Kadri'Ra had at least five thousand direct agents engaged in activities such as gambling, money laundering, smuggling (including drug trafficking and gunrunning), and usury.
Sometime before 10 BBY, while collaborating with smugglers, Saadoon-Kauldi boarded a slaver galleon. Witnessing the slaves' condition, he became enraged and massacred the slavers, freeing all the slaves. Overwhelmed with gratitude, most of the freed slaves pledged their loyalty and service to Saadoon-Kauldi, expanding his empire's influence and territory. Saadoon-Kauldi decided to treat his newly indentured servants with the same respect he had received from the Badawzis. Recognizing the potential to further expand his power by liberating more slaves, he temporarily halted his smuggling operations and launched an anti-slaver campaign, dedicating all his resources to seizing slaver starships. This strategy enabled him to liberate a significant number of slaves, many of whom became followers within his empire.
During one of these operations, he attacked an Imperial garbage scow, freeing hundreds of slaves. One of these slaves, an elderly Devaronian named Guzald, decided to become Saadoon-Kauldi's close servant and follower. A particular slaver guild, displeased with Saadoon-Kauldi's campaign, pressured its contacts, including Imperial officers, to take action against the Kadri'Ra's anti-slavery efforts. They offered a substantial bounty on Saadoon-Kauldi's head, but he ignored it. Once Saadoon-Kauldi believed he had freed enough slaves—the number of former slaves working for him surpassed the ranks of any of his allies—he resumed his drug smuggling activities.
Saadoon-Kauldi's rise to prominence as a crime lord led him to avoid public appearances. Following multiple assassination attempts, including at least one on Arapia, he became increasingly paranoid. The Empire also began actively trying to capture and enslave him. Furthermore, as a Kadri'Ra, Saadoon-Kauldi continued to grow larger throughout his life—eventually reaching seventy-five meters in length—making it increasingly difficult to remain hidden. A Twi'lek crime lord named Abdi-Badawzi, whose great-grandfather was rumored to have been freed alongside Saadoon-Kauldi and whose family had previously been served by Saadoon-Kauldi, began seeking Saadoon-Kauldi's advice as he sought to expand his criminal influence beyond Socorro. Abdi-Badawzi added Saadoon-Kauldi to his network of contacts, although they didn't officially become partners or allies.
Learning that Saadoon-Kauldi was concerned about the Empire's attempts on his freedom, the Twi'lek decided to take steps to protect him, hoping to gain him as a friend. Abdi-Badawzi desired a powerful, nearby ally to support him, which would allow him to increase his influence and expand his criminal empire into areas where Saadoon-Kauldi could provide protection. Hoping to entice Saadoon-Kauldi to relocate closer to his headquarters, Badawzi dispatched Pret Swain, the manager of the Socorro-based Caelli-Merced Syndicate, to offer Saadoon-Kauldi a very affordable bulk cruiser to serve as a mobile, secure residence. The ship, Merkel, was a customized Action V transport from Corellian Engineering Corporation—featuring a black helm for stealth and concealed weaponry. Upon Saadoon-Kauldi's purchase, the ship was modified to suit his specific requirements. Saadoon-Kauldi then formed an alliance with Abdi-Badawzi, allowing him to establish himself in orbit around the planet Neftali, within the Socorro system.
Shortly after settling above Neftali, Saadoon-Kauldi connected with another local criminal organization, the Black Bha'lir, a syndicate that offered "coverage" to members in need. As the Bha'lir opposed slavery, Saadoon-Kauldi quickly allied himself with them. The Socorran pirates, known for their integrity, also became allies of Saadoon-Kauldi. The Kadri'Ra cultivated numerous other contacts, including the Socorran government, whose Navy was prepared to engage any unauthorized vessels approaching the Merkel. Increasingly concerned by the frequent attempts on his life, Saadoon-Kauldi rarely left Neftali's orbit, preferring the security provided by the Socorran Navy.

As Saadoon-Kauldi became a prominent figure within the Socorran system, rumors about him began to circulate—a common occurrence for well-known citizens of the system. Locals claimed that Saadoon-Kauldi had been abducted from Arapia and enslaved, which garnered him sympathy among the Socorran eyes. Abdi-Badawzi then offered Saadoon-Kauldi a one-third stake in Ethra Brewery—a profitable business that distributed Socorran raava—because the Twi'lek wanted a business partner from outside Socorro to enhance Ethra's contacts beyond the system. Meanwhile, Saadoon-Kauldi continued to expand his organization. The Caelli-Merced Syndicate agreed to pay him for each of their exports. His empire's other criminal activities included credit laundering, gambling, illegal drug dealing, loansharking, and smuggling, including arms trafficking. Saadoon-Kauldi earned even more money by acting as a mediator between criminal groups, resolving gang conflicts, and other similar situations of unrest.
Around 10 BBY, the smuggler Saylor "Marji" Marjan owed money to Saadoon-Kauldi, so the Kadri'Ra sent two agents, Toob Ancher and Fahs Oxsor, to Arapia to collect the debt. Because Ancher and Marjan were friends, Marjan convinced Ancher to smuggle a large shipment of spice to the Elrood sector, a run that would allow Marjan to earn enough to repay the debt and make a profit. Ancher agreed, but the supposed profit wasn't enough to cover his expenses, as his ship was damaged during the run. Saadoon-Kauldi didn't kill Marjan for this, but Ancher never forgave him either.
Around this time, Saadoon-Kauldi discovered that the Galactic Empire was directly responsible for various actions against the Kadri'Ra species, including discrediting the Kadri'Ra language and sponsoring a holocaust that decimated the Kadri'Ra population on Arapia. Saddened by the hardships faced by his species, Saadoon-Kauldi became a supporter of the Alliance to Restore the Republic sometime after the creation of the Alliance in 2 BBY. He regularly sent weapons to the Alliance, using Caelli-Merced as his intermediary. Growing larger and more restless, Saadoon-Kauldi decided around 0 ABY that he desired a more permanent residence. As he continued to grow, he eventually became too large to fit within the Merkel.
In approximately 1 ABY, Kaine Paulsen, the father and mentor of the pirate Drake Paulsen, was murdered. Saadoon-Kauldi offered young Paulsen a job, but several other underworld factions did the same, including Abdi-Badawzi's organization, Jabba Desilijic Tiure's criminal empire, and Black Sun. Paulsen initially declined all offers, but eventually joined the Black Bha'lir. Paulsen and his allies—including the Wookiee Nikaede Celso and the smugglers Thaddeus Ross and Tait Ransom—then assassinated Izzat, a Twi'lek who had been involved in the murder of Paulsen's father. Izzat had been working for the Empire at the time, and the Empire placed substantial bounties on the four criminals. The Black Bha'lir quickly moved to assist these individuals, as they were members of the organization. As an ally of the Black Bha'lir, Saadoon-Kauldi offered Ross and Ransom temporary shelter.
Saadoon-Kauldi possessed intelligence, shrewdness, and refinement, which he employed in building his criminal empire. He had limited technical skills and was a mediocre pilot. He was also an untrained Force-sensitive individual. Many Corellian smugglers residing on Socorro sought to work for him, having heard that Saadoon-Kauldi rewarded productive employees with money and favors, and forgave employees who made mistakes once. He cultivated numerous alliances that sustained his power and influence. Unlike other crime lords, the Kadri'Ra demonstrated respect for those he interacted with, even when it wasn't necessary. Saadoon-Kauldi was respected among criminals, and sometimes admired as if he were a king. The Hutts, who shared the Kadri'Ra's long lifespans, held a favorable opinion of Saadoon-Kauldi. Saadoon-Kauldi had no enemies among criminals, except for slavers, and was even well-regarded by some law enforcement agencies.
Despite his ability to speak numerous languages, Saadoon-Kauldi refused to speak Galactic Basic Standard. As a protest against the Galactic Empire's attempts to eradicate Kadri'Ra culture and language, Saadoon-Kauldi exclusively used that tongue. Because this was a difficult and rarely learned language, Saadoon-Kauldi typically relied on a translator, his servant Guzald. Anyone seeking an audience with Saadoon-Kauldi was welcome to bring their own translator of Kadri'Ra.
Although Saadoon-Kauldi was described in detail in the roleplaying-game supplement The Black Sands of Socorro, he never appeared in any narrative source. He was only briefly mentioned by a character in the story A Bitter Winter.