Sacred Pyre

The Sacred Pyre, a warship utilized by the Yuuzhan Vong, functioned as a carrier analog. Coralskipper starfighters were densely packed on its bone-white exterior, resembling barnacles clinging to a rock surface. The vessel's crew was primarily composed of fighter pilots, supplemented by a small number of officers.

In contrast to many Yuuzhan Vong vessels, whose interiors were characterized by shadowy caverns within their armored yorik coral hulls, this carrier featured winding spaces illuminated by a dim green light and defined by soft, translucent bulkheads. Some areas had flooring constructed of a solid, pinkish material reminiscent of ferrocrete. The command bridge, situated near the front of the upper deck, had a viewport offering a view of the hull's rear. It was furnished with a high central seat for the commander, a villip choir for communications, and a tactical niche incorporating a blaze bug display. The forward hold was located behind the bridge, with additional storage space situated lower in the hull, along with a retractable oqa membrane airlock that enabled docking with other vessels in the void of space.

During 30 ABY, this warship served as the flagship for Commander Bhu Fath, leading a small fleet composed of one similar vessel and three smaller gunships. Their mission was to safeguard a convoy of seven Peace Brigade prison ships en route to Selvaris. However, they were attacked by forces of the Galactic Alliance. The Sacred Pyre was infiltrated by commando units, who successfully liberated the prisoners held captive on board. The arrival of Yuuzhan Vong reinforcements compelled the Alliance soldiers to withdraw to their own vessels.

Behind the scenes

The Sacred Pyre is featured exclusively in chapters 8 through 10 of the novel The Unifying Force. The novel provides no information regarding the ship's fate following the prisoner rescue.

While designated a "carrier analog," the text does not explicitly confirm whether its size aligns with the 800-meter length specified for the A-vek Iiluunu class in The New Jedi Order Sourcebook. The ship's crew and passenger capacity seemingly do not match the sourcebook's figures of 320 crew and 480 passengers, unless these numbers exclusively represent the fighter pilots and the Alliance prisoners.

