Scimitar Squadron, a fighter group of the New Republic, was composed of RZ-1 A-wings. Colonel Ijix Harona commanded this unit during the Yuuzhan Vong invasion. Following the victory at Obroa-skai, the Scimitars took up position at the Republic's forward operating base located on Kashyyyk. While conducting training drills alongside Major Jaina Solo's Twin Suns Squadron, Harona and Solo intercepted an emergency transmission originating from the Far Thunder, a cruiser previously left behind at Obroa-skai. Subsequently, the two squadrons jumped to hyperspace en route to the Library World with the goal of repelling Yuuzhan Vong forces, providing sufficient time for the Far Thunder's personnel to complete their evacuation.
Subsequently, Scimitar Squadron took part in Operation Trinity which took place at Bilbringi, and the mission to rescue Galactic Alliance captives held at Selvaris.