Senna, a male Gigoran originating from the planet Gigor, found himself among those from his homeworld who were enslaved by Zygerrian enslavers; these actions were condoned by the Galactic Empire. Despite having committed no offenses, his species' inherent physical power made them desirable, resulting in Senna's assignment to the Pyke Syndicate's spice mines located on the planet Kessel.
During 10 BBY, while transporting ore sampler hoppers within the mines, a slave revolt erupted, leading to the slaves' liberation and the subsequent defeat of the overseeing syndicate enforcers.
Senna's fur was [white](/article/color], though permanently tinted orange due to Kessel's dust. He was equipped with a brown harness and a vocoder that provided translations of his Gigoran speak into Galactic Basic Standard.
Senna's initial appearance was in the 2018 movie Solo: A Star Wars Story. His name was first established in the reference book that accompanied the movie, Solo: A Star Wars Story The Official Guide, authored by Pablo Hidalgo. The name Senna was originally conceived by John Knoll for an alien character in early versions of Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. This concept eventually evolved into a Gigoran character, but his role was significantly diminished in the final film and he was renamed Moroff.