
Sibak was a Corellian hound that belonged to Prybolt Garavult, a Grindalid, alongside his other two dogs, Serenata and Beeta. Alys Ongwa headed the Supreme Coronet City Diplomat Protection bodyguard enterprise, and Serenata was one of its members in Coronet City located on the planet Corellia. In 230 BBY, Ongwa's team, including Prybolt, accepted a protection assignment for Nomar Tralmat, the Father of Finances, while he attended a gathering in the Syllain District. Tralmat requested that the three hounds, Garavult, and Ovarto Bitolo-Bash wait outside the building where the meeting was taking place. Eventually, Garavult became worried, so he brought the three hounds inside, where he found Tralmat on the floor, on his hands and knees, with a bloodied nose, and an Er'Kit woman wearing a mask standing over him. Garavult ordered the hounds to attack and devour the woman, but before they could reach her, Beeta was killed. Subsequently, the Er'Kit released gas into the room, causing the two surviving hounds to emit loud squeals. The masked woman fled, and Garavult managed to extract the Father of Finances from the building. Not long after, Tralmat disappeared, and Garavult was killed by the Er'Kit.

