Skirmish in the Recluse's Nebula

The Recluse engagement, also known as the skirmish in the Recluse's Nebula, was a conflict where the Alliance to Restore the Republic's naval forces participated. General Baccam Grafis of Ordnance and Supply detailed the resulting decrease in Fleet assets for the Alliance in a report to Commander-in-Chief Mon Mothma. This report listed losses such as a BTL Y-wing starfighter worth 130,000 credits, a pre-owned Lambda-class T-4a shuttle at 180,000 credits, an Alpha-class Xg-1 Star Wing costing 125,000 credits, three vacant cargo containers at 90,000 credits, and a cargo container of grain valued at 75,000 credits.

Grafis's report to Mothma was later incorporated into The Rebel Files, a crucial data archive containing physical copies of confidential data. These files were discovered in 34 ABY within the remnants of the Alliance Tak-Beam complex located on the Mid Rim planet [Durkteel], eventually reaching General Leia Organa of the Resistance.


  • Star Wars: The Rebel Files (Initial mention)

Notes and references
