The following is the rewritten MDX content:
The Alpha-class Xg-1 Star Wing represented a model of starship utilized by the Empire during the period of the Galactic Civil War. It is noted that during the Alliance to Restore the Republic's defeat in the skirmish in the Recluse's Nebula, where the Alliance Fleet suffered losses, one stolen Imperial Star Wing was among the assets lost, along with 125,000 credits. This Star Wing, together with other lost property, was documented in an official report submitted by General Baccam Grafis from Ordnance and Supply to Commander-in-Chief Mon Mothma.
This report to Mothma was later integrated into The Rebel Files, a key data storage location holding physical copies of confidential information. The Rebel Files were discovered in 34 ABY within the remnants of the Tak-Beam complex, situated on the planet Durkteel in the Mid Rim region. Eventually, these files came into the possession of General Leia Organa of the Resistance.
Star Wars: Build the Millennium Falcon 38 (Starship Fact File: Sentinel-class Landing Craft) (First mentioned)
Endless Vigil
Bring on the Alpha Strike on Fantasy Flight Games' official website (backup link)
Star Wars: The Rebel Files
Star Wars: X-Wing Second Edition — Galactic Empire Conversion Kit
Starships and Speeders (First identified as Alpha-class XG-1 "Star Wing" Assault Gunboat)
Star Wars Starships & Vehicles 6 (Starships and Vehicles: Imperial Shuttles and Transports)