The Rebel Files

The Rebel Files consisted of a collection of data, including reports and narratives, from multiple leaders within the Alliance to Restore the Republic. Hendri Underholt compiled these files, which were subsequently lost when Imperial forces bombarded her location on Durkteel.

Many years following the conclusion of the Galactic Civil War, the files were rediscovered during an excavation on the world of Durkteel for the purpose of constructing a new communication tower. The construction team that found them forwarded the collection to the sitting planetary governor, Vaxvissh Kal Ness. He, recognizing Leia Organa as one of the few remaining high-ranking members of the Alliance, then sent it to the New Republic. The artifact then came into the possession of Major Heck Ensio, who in turn gave it to Master Archivist [Mordianius]. [Mordianius] then passed it on to Commander Korr Sella of the Resistance, so that she could deliver it to General Leia Organa, the leader of the Resistance. To ensure their preservation, Organa, along with other surviving former Rebels within the Resistance, including Gial Ackbar, added their own reflections and insights gained in the years that had passed.


  • Star Wars: The Rebel Files (First mentioned)

Notes and references
