During the High Republic Era, certain members of the Jedi Order stationed at Starlight Beacon disregarded the instructions of Jedi Master Stellan Gios and orchestrated an infiltration of the Nihil by Jedi Knights Keeve Trennis and Terec. The operation was conceived by Jedi Master Avar Kriss, who believed that Gios underestimated the gravity of the Nihil threat. To execute their plan, they staged a false conflict in the Soola system involving the Jedi Wayseeker Orla Jareni aboard her vessel, the Lightseeker, and Knights Trennis and Terec, who were piloting a captured Stormship called the Ransacker while masquerading as Nihil members.
After Jareni had completed a scan of the Soola System and confirmed the absence of Nihil forces, the infiltrating pair of Jedi launched an attack on her ship. Their assault inflicted significant damage on the Wayseeker's vessel, but they intentionally allowed her to transmit a distress signal, prompting the arrival of the Jedi starship Ataraxia as part of their scheme to attract attention. Subsequently, the Ransacker sent its own distress call to the Nihil, falsely claiming to be under attack and requesting assistance as Jedi Vector starfighters joined the battle. The conflict continued, with additional Nihil ships warping in to support their supposed allies, and the severely damaged Ransacker seemingly managing to destroy one of the attacking Vectors.
The truth was that the destroyed Vector was remotely piloted by Jedi Knight Ceret from aboard the Ataraxia and was sacrificed to enhance the credibility of the infiltration team. Shortly after the Vector's destruction, a Nihil ship employed magclamps to secure the Ransacker, and the raiders, along with Jedi Knights Keeve Trennis and Terec, escaped into hyperspace. The Jedi then reorganized and recalled their Vectors to the Ataraxia, where Jedi Masters Avar Kriss and Sskerr intended to discuss whether the Nihil had fallen for their deception.