Skora was a Rodian female who worked as both a chemist and an underground medic. She competed in the Hunters of the Outer Rim competition, which took place on the planet of Vespaara. Being an extremely talented chemist, Skora utilized her Dart Gun to launch chemically enhanced darts; these darts were designed to aid her teammates through healing and inflict harm on her adversaries.
It was said that Skora, in her arena life, previously served as a medic within the Hutt Cartel. During her time there, she collaborated with Imara Vex, a bounty hunter who would later become her colleague in the arena. Skora was well-known for her fondness for pulling explosive practical jokes. When mysterious figure-led goons launched an assault on the Grand Arena, Skora employed more potent versions of her darts to repel the invading force.

Skora is a playable character featured in Star Wars: Hunters, a competitive combat game released in 2024. The game is published by Zynga in collaboration with Lucasfilm Games. She was integrated into the game during its soft launch on February 1, 2022. Ross Burt, an artist, was responsible for the character's design.
Skora is classified as a Support-class Hunter with a medium difficulty level. Her primary weapon is the Dart Gun, characterized by its extended range but slow firing rate. Her active ability, Adrenal Boost, grants a temporary increase in her movement speed. The Stim-Shot ability allows Skora to fire a Stim Dart at an ally, providing them with temporary health. Her passive ability allows her to regenerate health after a period of time outside of combat. Skora's Ultimate ability, known as Unstable Cocktail, involves throwing a canister that creates a pool that heals allies and damages enemies.