The SkySweep, a warship of the StoneCrusher-class WarMaster, was part of the Grysk species' aggressive armada. It served within the fleet commanded by "Jixtus," a Grysk operative. Circa 18 BBY, the SkySweep engaged the fleet of Chiss Ascendancy Senior Captain Thrawn over the Unknown Regions planet known as "Sunrise" during Thrawn's last stand. The SkySweep fought against the Clarr light cruiser Orisson and a pair of Chiss light cruisers, ultimately leading to the Grysk vessel's destruction.
The warship SkySweep was a StoneCrusher-class WarMaster that utilized a hyperdrive and engines for propulsion. Its armament included missiles and spectrum lasers.

As part of the fleet led by the Grysk operative "Jixtus," the SkySweep was one of three StoneCrusher-class vessels serving the Grysk species' armada. Around 18 BBY, Jixtus, aboard the Kilji war cruiser Whetstone, journeyed to the Unknown Regions' Sunrise system to confront the fleet of Chiss Ascendancy Senior Captain Mitth'raw'nuruodo, whose core name was "Thrawn," during his last stand. Upon arriving with his fleet above the planet designated "Sunrise," the Grysk commander declared that the Grysk ships, including the SkySweep, represented Thrawn's "final doom," before announcing their names. The SkySweep positioned itself dorsally, flanking Jixtus's flagship, the Shatter-class WarMaster FateSpinner, before engaging the Chiss forces.
The StoneCrusher-class WarMaster came under attack from the Chiss Clarr light cruiser Orisson and a pair of Chiss light cruisers. These latter ships attacked the SkySweep from both sides, with several of their breacher missiles and plasma spheres striking its hull.
After Thrawn and Admiral Ar'alani identified the warship's vulnerabilities, Captain Clarr'os'culry "Roscu," the captain of the Orisson, instructed her crew to maintain their barrage of spectrum lasers from the light cruiser onto the SkySweep. As the three light cruisers pummeled the WarMaster, the warship retaliated with laser fire at the Orisson, destroying one of its starboard laser cannons.
Shortly afterward, a breacher from one of the other cruisers impacted the SkySweep, causing it to move away from the attacker, only to position itself in front of the Orisson, which then obliterated the warship's aft flank with a concentrated laser assault. As the Clarr light cruiser shifted its attention to the StoneCrusher-class WarMaster Armageddon, the other two Chiss cruisers destroyed the SkySweep. Ultimately, Senior Captain Thrawn's final defense concluded with the annihilation of Jixtus's entire fleet.
The 2021 novel Thrawn Ascendancy: Lesser Evil, the concluding installment of Timothy Zahn's Ascendancy Trilogy, featured the SkySweep.