Snoke's throne room

A colossal space, draped with an obscure red drape, was the location of Snoke's Throne Room. This chamber was situated on the Supremacy, the flagship of the First Order and a Mega-class Star Dreadnought. From this throne room, Supreme Leader Snoke disseminated orders to his underlings or projected his holographic image. The Elite Praetorian Guards, a unit of eight human bodyguards, were always present to safeguard the Supreme Leader.

During the war that pitted the First Order against the Resistance, Kylo Ren committed assassination against Snoke within this throne room. As a consequence, the Praetorian Guards launched an attack on the dark side knight and Rey, his Jedi compatriot, to avenge Snoke's death. However, the Force-sensitive duo prevailed, leaving the fallen master and his Praetorian Guard's corpses strewn across the throne room. Following the combat, Ren, still present in the throne room, proclaimed himself as Snoke's replacement.


The throne room, a substantial chamber, was positioned on the Supremacy, which functioned as the First Order's flagship, mobile capital, and a Mega-class Star Dreadnought. A massive red drape concealed this room. Supreme Leader Snoke, whose physical ailments compelled him to prioritize comfort, directed the First Order from the throne room, typically by displaying his holographic form or giving instructions to his various subordinates. Furthermore, the throne room accommodated a group of eight human sentries, known as the Elite Praetorian Guard, who were trained to shield the Supreme Leader from any potential danger.


Audience with Hux

Snoke summoned General Armitage Hux to the throne room so he could explain why the Resistance fleet was able to escape. Hux exited the turbolift and walked up to the Supreme Leader, who was seated on his throne and surrounded by his elite Praetorian Guard. As he got closer to the throne, Hux saw that two of Snoke's attendants were busy working on the oculus viewing equipment. Hux knelt before Snoke, who then voiced his displeasure with the general. The general gave his word that it was only a brief setback. Snoke questioned the general from his throne about his assertion that he could track the Resistance fleet even after it had gone into hyperspace.

Hux gave the Supreme Leader his word that the First Order possessed the technological means to carry out that task, citing the vast data resources at the First Order's disposal for pinpointing the fleet's destination. The Supreme Leader pondered Hux's remarks as he leaned back in his throne. Snoke came to the conclusion after a short while that the foundation was brute force rather than abstract thought, as the general had guaranteed. Hux, still kneeling, gave the Supreme Leader his word that nothing could stand in the way of the First Order before receiving a message stating that the Resistance fleet's location had been found. Hux rose and stood before the Supreme Leader after informing Snoke, who was reflecting on the general's assessment of the Resistance's fate.

A child in a mask

Kylo Ren went to the throne room to explain why he was defeated at Starkiller Base. The sound of Snoke giggling filled the space as the turbolift door opened and Ren entered the throne room. General Hux turned to watch him approach Snoke's throne before turning his attention back to the Supreme Leader, who was congratulating the general on finding the Resistance fleet. Hux expressed his gratitude to the Supreme Leader and turned to head for the turbolift, passing Ren and grinning at the Knight of Ren.

Snoke informed Kylo Ren that his lineage had led him to foresee great potential in him.

Ren knelt before Snoke, who leaned forward on his throne to explain why he kept Hux in a position of power before inquiring as to the condition of Ren's wound. Ren kept his eyes on the floor as he spoke. Snoke rose from his throne and descended toward Ren, commenting on the power he had felt in the knight and the potential he had promised before declaring he had been mistaken about Ren. Ren glanced up from his kneeling position to face the Supreme Leader and voiced his loyalty, but Snoke cut him off by ordering him to take off his helmet. Ren attempted to declare his loyalty once more as he turned to walk back to his throne, but Snoke turned and harshly criticized Ren and all of his failures at Starkiller Base.

Ren abruptly stood up in a fit of rage and threw his cape to the ground, but Snoke hurled him across the room with a burst of Force lightning. The eight Praetorian guardsmen assumed their combat stances but retreated when Snoke motioned to them as he lumbered back to his throne. Ren stood up as the Supreme Leader resumed his seat on his throne, lamenting how Ren was nothing more than a child in a mask. As he turned and left the throne room, Ren picked up his helmet off the floor, seething with rage. He smashed the helmet against the walls of the turbolift as he descended, destroying it.

Confronting Rey

Kylo Ren murdered Snoke in the throne room by slicing the Supreme Leader in half with his grandfather's lightsaber.

Ren also brought Rey before him in his throne room, where his apprentice betrayed him and killed him by igniting his grandfather's Jedi lightsaber through the Supreme Leader's body. The Praetorian Guard then attacked the two Force-wielders in an attempt to avenge Snoke, turning the throne room into a battleground. Ren and Rey defeated all eight of the guards in a brief but brutally close fight, setting the red banners ablaze in the process. Ren tried to persuade Rey to join him, but she declined, and they fought over her lightsaber, eventually splitting it in two and unleashing a massive burst of energy that knocked Ren unconscious and gave Rey the chance to flee in Snoke's escape craft.

Long live the Supreme Leader

Following Snoke's assassination, Ren took over as Supreme Leader.

General Hux later went to the throne room after the Supremacy sustained catastrophic damage when the Raddus entered light speed in front of the ship, where he was dismayed to discover Snoke's bisected corpse and Ren's prone form, especially because it ruined his chances of killing Snoke himself. Hux briefly considered killing Ren, but he abandoned the idea when Ren awoke just before he could. Ren then blamed Snoke's assassination on Rey, who was conveniently absent, and then claimed the title of Supreme Leader for himself, seizing Hux's throat with the Force when the man protested and forcing him to submit to his authority.

Behind the scenes

Ralph McQuarrie's conceptual artwork for the Emperor's throne room in Return of the Jedi

Snoke's throne room was conceived and created for the 2017 film Star Wars: Episode VIII The Last Jedi, the second entry in the Star Wars sequel trilogy. The throne room was initially unveiled on August 31, 2017, during the Force Friday II toy and action-figure previews. On October 9, 2017, the first footage of the throne room was made available in The Last Jedi trailer.

The throne's design was influenced by a concept art created by Ralph McQuarrie, the renowned conceptual designer behind many of the designs and aesthetics in the original trilogy, for Emperor Palpatine's throne room in the 1983 film Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi. The 1939 film The Wizard of Oz served as another source of inspiration, with Johnson comparing Snoke to the film's titular character.

