
Spacetroopers represented a specific type of stormtrooper specially trained and outfitted for deployment in environments lacking atmospheric pressure, such as the vacuum of realspace. To facilitate operations in these conditions, their standard issue stormtrooper armor was modified to include a rebreather pack.


Spacetroopers on the outside of the Death Star

These specialized stormtroopers, known as Spacetroopers, were adapted for combat in zero-G environments, including the void of space. Their stormtrooper armor was a specialized variant equipped with a rebreather pack. Spacetroopers carried standard issue E-11 medium blaster rifles alongside thermal detonators, and specialized heavy blasters for increased firepower. They were often organized into patrol units.


Commander Zahra personally leads spacetroopers into battle during the Galactic Civil War

Spacetroopers served as part of the stormtrooper forces stationed aboard the Chimaera, which was the flagship commanded by Grand Admiral Thrawn within his 7th Fleet. During 1 BBY, Thrawn gave the order to deploy a spacetrooper patrol in order to conduct an inspection of the damaged hull of a derelict way station. These troops were also tasked with maintaining security on the exterior of the Death Star, a massive moon-sized battle station. In 0 BBY, two spacetroopers, while on patrol outside the Death Star, observed the YT-series freighter Millennium Falcon being tractor beamed into Docking Bay 327. Shortly after, the Death Star met its end at the Battle of Yavin. During the engagement near Elessia in 3 ABY, Commander Ellian Zahra herself led spacetroopers into combat.

Behind the scenes

Joe Johnston in spacetrooper armor on the set of the first Star Wars film

The unidentified Spacetroopers made their debut in Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope. Joe Johnston from ILM played both roles by using a split-screen effect because there was only one complete suit available on the day of filming, the other having been stolen.

Originally, these troops were intended to be featured in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, and a full costume was even created for use in promotional photography. Ultimately, however, regular stormtroopers were used in their place during the space sequences in the final cut of the film.

