
title: Spectral

The Spectral was a heavy cruiser of the Interdictor-class, actively serving the Galactic Empire during their rule over the galaxy. Admiral Ektol Traz held command of this vessel. At some point, it met its end on the starship graveyard of the planet Jakku, the result of damage inflicted by rebel pilot Lieutenant Bak Rychuk.


Admiral Ektol Traz served as the commander of the Spectral

Departing from the Imperial Drydock at Kuat's Drive Yards, the Spectral was dispatched to the Shipyards of Fondor. Its mission was to provide protective fire for Star Destroyers attempting to escape the impending arrival of the New Republic fleet. The Spectral engaged Shepherd Squadron of the New Republic until Admiral Rae Sloane—or rather, the loyalists who were secretly manipulating the Empire—issued orders for the remaining Star Destroyers to head to Jakku. Disobeying these orders, the Spectral's commanding officer, Admiral Ektol Traz, continued the fight, launching his starfighter complement.

As Shepherd Squadron approached for an attack, Admiral Traz gave the order for the Spectral to jump to hyperspace. Unbeknownst to those aboard the Spectral, Shepherd Two, Lt. Bak Rychuk, was inadvertently pulled into hyperspace along with the warship. Upon learning of this, Admiral Traz attempted to target Rychuk's Y-wing, but was unsuccessful. The Spectral then arrived at Jakku, using its tractor beam to pull Rychuk's Y-wing into its hangar. Unfortunately, Rychuk's Y-wing damaged the Spectral's focusing dome, forcing the ship to shut down.

As stormtroopers from the Spectral confronted Rychuk, Zeetoo-Zeetoo received orders to either overload the Spectral's reactor coil or disable its life support systems. Instead, Zeetoo activated the Spectral's starboard maneuvering thrusters, pushing it out of Jakku's orbit. As the Spectral's orbit deteriorated, its engine ignitors failed, causing the ship to fall rapidly. With the arrival of the Rebel fleet, Admiral Traz commanded all personnel to abandon ship. While heading towards his command shuttle, Traz was stopped by his security droid, K-8Z8, who insisted that he could not abandon his post. Traz then designated K-8Z8 as the Spectral's captain and proceeded to an escape pod with Rychuk. Only K-8Z8 and Zeetoo remained on board when the Spectral crashed on Jakku, eventually becoming buried in the sands.

