Issue number two of Splinter of the Mind's Eye, published by Dark Horse Comics, continues the adaptation of the novel Splinter of the Mind's Eye. The story picks up where Splinter of the Mind's Eye #1 concluded, specifically within the fourth chapter, and progresses to about the midpoint of the eighth chapter of the original novel.
Luke and Leia are now prisoners of the Empire, and they also must face two very large and aggressive Yuzzem. Their only chance to get away is the Mimban Crystal, which can give the person who uses it complete control over the Force. However, Luke's use of this crystal might get the attention of certain dark forces.
Luke Skywalker, along with his sister Leia, and their attackers, are apprehended by Imperial stormtroopers for "brandishing weapons in a public area." They are brought before Captain-Supervisor Grammel, who initially sees them as regular criminals. However, he becomes suspicious after learning about the mysterious crystal shard given to Luke by Halla.
Luke and Leia are placed in a cell with two Yuzzem. Intrigued, Grammel contacts Bin Essada, the regional governor known for his expertise in radiant stones. Essada recognizes Leia in the photos of the "petty criminals" and orders Grammel to keep them safe until the "proper authority" arrives on Mimban to take custody.
Luke, Leia, and the Yuzzem manage to break out of the Imperial jail. They reunite with Halla and the droids to commandeer a swamp crawler, intending to use it to reach the Temple of Pomojema and the Kaiburr crystal. But a hungry wandrella complicates their plans.
The comic book version of Splinter of the Mind's Eye mostly stayed true to the original story. However, due to format limitations and space constraints, some elements were changed or left out. These include:
In the novel, the stormtrooper sergeant who stops the fight between Luke, Leia, and the miners has three angular marks on his helmet and sleeve. [4] The comic does not show these markings; instead, he has an orange pauldron. [5]
When being taken to the ziggurat in the book, Luke asks Leia where they are going, and she replies that they are going to the prison, impressing Luke. [6] In the comic, the dialogue is similar, but the sergeant answers Luke's question instead of Leia. [5]
The book describes Grammel's office as luxurious. [7] The comic depicts it as sparsely furnished, with equipment on one side and exposed power lines. [8]
In the novel, Luke keeps the Kaiburr crystal shard in Halla's lockbox. When Grammel receives the box, he asks for the combination, which Luke doesn't know. [9] In the comic, Luke doesn't seem to use the lockbox, simply handing the shard to Grammel. [10]
The screen Grammel uses to contact Bin Essada is hidden in the wall in the book. [11] In the comic, it's part of the desk. [12]
To show Essada the images, Grammel holds the recording rod to the vis pickup in the book. [13] The comic shows the images on Essada's end without this method, using an unknown process. [14]
The book only hints at Essada contacting Darth Vader through an ambiguous reference and Grammel's mention of an "Imperial representative." [15] [16] The comic makes it clear by showing Essada contacting Vader after speaking with Grammel. [14]
In the novel, Luke recharges his lightsaber with the blaster shortly after escaping the prison in the mud crawler. [17] The comic shows this happening seven days later, just before the wandrella attack. [18]
Grammel's doctor says he will never sweat from his rebuilt arm in the book. [19] The comic adds that his hair won't grow back either. [20]
During the wandrella attack, Hin and Kee use blaster rifles from the swamp crawler's storage in the book. [21] The comic shows them using a mounted turret not mentioned in the book's description of the vehicle. [22]