Star Wars: Dawn of the Jedi Book One—Force Storm is a trade paperback belonging to the Star Wars Legends continuity. This collection contains the five-part comic-book series titled Star Wars: Dawn of the Jedi—Force Storm and is authored by John Ostrander. Dark Horse Books released it for sale on December 18, 2012.
The story you are about to read is the starting point of the Jedi Order, the Star Wars timeline set 25,000 years in the past. This is a time before the existence of lightsabers, before interstellar travel via hyperspace, and prior to the widespread presence of the Jedi throughout the galaxy. In this era, connections to the Force were a relatively new phenomenon.
On the world of Tython, a collective of individuals – comprised of scientists, philosophers, and warriors – are dedicated to maintaining tranquility and achieving equilibrium with the enigmatic power known as the Force. However, the arrival of an outsider is imminent. This newcomer, through his presence and unique connection to the Force, will disturb the existing balance. The established order is on the verge of a major transformation as the galaxy's pathways are unlocked! This volume compiles Star Wars: Dawn of the Jedi—Force Storm #1–#5.
- ISBN 9781595829795 ; December 18 , 2012 ; Dark Horse Books ; US paperback [2]