Star Wars: Episode I Jedi Power Battles

In April of 2000, a console game titled Star Wars: Episode I Jedi Power Battles was released for the Sony PlayStation and Sega Dreamcast. This game allowed players to experience events within and surrounding Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace through the eyes of one of five Episode I Jedi: Obi-Wan Kenobi, Qui-Gon Jinn, Mace Windu, Adi Gallia, and Plo Koon. Upon completing the game, a selection of secret characters becomes available, including Queen Amidala, Captain Quarsh Panaka, and Darth Maul. The Dreamcast version offered an additional Jedi character, Ki-Adi-Mundi. Furthermore, unlockable mini-games allowed players to control Gungans and droidekas. Notably, Anakin Skywalker makes an appearance as a non-playable character (NPC) on Tatooine in Level 5.


Jedi Power Battles features the following playable characters.

Secret characters

After the game is completed, the following characters can be unlocked for play. Note that these characters cannot be upgraded by level completion.

  • Queen Amidala (Unlocked by completing the game with Obi-Wan)
  • Captain Quarsh Panaka (Unlocked by completing the game with Obi-wan)
  • Darth Maul (Unlocked by completing the game with Qui-Gon Jinn)
  • Ki-Adi-Mundi (Dreamcast exclusive: Unlocked by completing Training Mode with any normal Jedi)

Game Boy Advance characters

The Game Boy Advance iteration of the game provides a smaller roster of four playable characters:

  • Obi-Wan Kenobi, Jedi Padawan
  • Qui-Gon Jinn, Jedi Master
  • Mace Windu, Jedi Master
  • Darth Maul, Sith Lord (Unlike the PlayStation version, Darth Maul is equipped with his signature double-bladed lightsaber.)


The game contains a total of fourteen levels, with four being unlocked after the main game's completion. The story levels are:

Unlockable levels

These bonus levels are absent from the Game Boy Advance version. Moreover, most are not available in two-player mode, with the exception of Gungan Roundup.

  • Droidekas - Play as a Droideka and assault Theed Palace. (Unlocked by completing the game with Plo Koon)
  • Kaadu Race - Participate in a race across the swamps of Naboo riding a Kaadu. (Unlocked by completing the game with Adi Gallia)
  • Gungan Roundup - A variation of football where Jar Jar serves as the ball. (Unlocked by collecting the hidden Gungan artifacts)
  • Survival Challenge - Defeat 100 enemies to acquire the Ultimate Saber. (Unlocked by completing the game with Mace Windu)


  • Battle Droid —Armed with a blaster rifle, the B1 Battle Droid is also capable of hand-to-hand combat.
  • Battle Droid Pilot —Pilot Droids are unarmed, making them vulnerable at long range, and rely on melee attacks.
  • Security Droid - These droids are more resilient than the B1 Battle Droid and are identified by their red markings. They can fire three blaster shots consecutively.
  • Commander Droid —Distinguished by their yellow markings, Commander Droids are stronger than Security Droids.
  • Rifle battle droid - A standard Trade Federation B-1 battle droid equipped with a heavy rocket-firing rifle.
  • Flamethrower Droid —This slightly heavier Battle Droid uses flamethrowers instead of blasters, and its flames cannot be blocked.
  • Grapple Droid —Slightly larger than standard Battle Droids, Grapple Droids depend solely on melee attacks. They are distinguished by their gray color.
  • Destroyer Droid - Feared even by Jedi Knights, Destroyer Droids fire rapid streams of blaster fire. In this game, they lack shield generators.
  • Grapple Destroyer Droid —These droids rely exclusively on hand-to-hand combat.
  • Plasma Droid —A larger Battle Droid variant similar in appearance to the Flamethrower Droid but with green markings and plasma blasts emitted from its "hands."
  • Loader Droid - A large droid with two arms used for lifting heavy objects or swiping at enemies.
  • Kreetle
  • Slaatik hagworm - A massive worm inhabiting the Swamps of Naboo that attacks with poison.
  • AAT
  • T4 turret droid —A four-legged droid equipped with two blasters and an eye, capable of shielding itself, throwing Thermal Detonators, and firing a laser from its eye.
  • Tusken Raider - Native to Tatooine's Dune Sea, Tusken Raiders are hostile and carry rifles and gaffi sticks. Their projectiles cannot be deflected.
  • Jawa —These small beings wield short-range blasters and are relatively weak, often found near machinery.
  • Sith Probe Droid - Two types exist: a smaller one that fires single blasts and a larger one that fires three shots at once.
  • Armored Krakkiss - A large, armadillo-like creature found on Tatooine.
  • Coruscant mercenary — Four mercenary types are present ( Kajain'sa'Nikto , Rodian , Ishi Tib and M'shento'su'Nikto ), each possessing unique abilities.
  • Gungan Warrior —These warriors defend sacred Gungan ruins and flee after being defeated.
  • Darth Maul —Darth Sidious's apprentice wields a double-bladed lightsaber and commands numerous dark side powers.


  • The PlayStation and Dreamcast versions of the game exhibit several gameplay differences: Ki-Adi Mundi, although absent from the PlayStation version, is mentioned in the credits. The PlayStation version's 'Jedi Mode' does not affect the game's difficulty. The Dreamcast version includes a training arena that also functions as a two-player versus arena, which is absent from the PlayStation version. In the PlayStation version, computer panels can be destroyed for extra points, a feature not present in the Dreamcast version.
  • When playing as Queen Amidala during "Theed Palace," she remains silent during the level's two cutscenes.
  • Darth Maul's voice in "Theed Palace" differs from his voice in "Tatooine," where he uses Mace Windu's voice.
  • Qui-Gon Jinn inexplicably remains alive following the Battle of Naboo .
  • Engaging in a two-player game restricts the player's ability to unlock all bonus levels except for the Survival Challenge.
  • Mace Windu's lightsaber is blue, mirroring the Episode I action figure of Samuel L. Jackson , as George Lucas had not yet approved the purple lightsaber seen in Episode II . (His blue lightsaber may be considered canon, as his lightsaber hilt also changes between Episodes I and II).
  • Power-ups are usable in the PlayStation version.

In the "Final Battle," Darth Maul respawns at the energy bridge within the Theed generator room after being defeated. If the player retreats and descends to the catwalk below the three rings, another Darth Maul appears, resulting in a simultaneous battle against two Darth Mauls.


Re-release announced on October 10, 2024 that Aspyr Media would publish a re-release of Jedi Power Battles based on the original DreamCast source code on January 23, 2025. The re-release will include enhanced features from the original version. These enhancements include code updates to improve gameplay with smoother jumps and better balance. All unlockable characters from the original game will be immediately available, along with a new roster of secret characters, including a pilot droid, Weequay, a droideka, and a loader droid. Players will also be able to switch between the original lightsaber colours and their canon-accurate versions for Mace Windu, Plo Koon, and Adi Gallia.

