Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith (novelization)

Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith is a novelization penned by Matthew Stover, released to the public by Del Rey on April 2, 2005. This book is an adaptation of the screenplay for the motion picture of the same title. The audiobooks, both complete and edited versions, feature Jonathan Davis as the narrator.

While the book closely mirrors the film's narrative, it also incorporates additional content not present in the cinematic version; an example being Lorth Needa's role as commander of the Integrity during the Battle of Coruscant. Conversely, some segments of the movie, notably the Kashyyyk sequence, have been omitted to improve the story's flow. The deleted scenes featuring the founders of the Rebel Alliance are included. Stover makes significant references to the preceding novel in the timeline, Labyrinth of Evil by James Luceno, which is unusual for film novelizations. References to other works from the Expanded Universe are also present, such as the Star Wars: Republic comic book series, Star Wars: Clone Wars animated series, and the novels The Approaching Storm, Shatterpoint, The Cestus Deception, and Yoda: Dark Rendezvous.




Publisher's summary


Back cover

"The Force is becoming dark, Anakin.…

Be mindful of your feelings."

Inside flap

The pivotal moment for the entire Star Wars narrative is approaching…

After a prolonged civil conflict, the Separatists have severely weakened the already struggling Republic, pushing it to the brink of collapse. On Coruscant, the Senate is filled with unease as Supreme Chancellor Palpatine steadily erodes constitutional freedoms under the guise of protecting the Republic. Yoda, Mace Windu, and the other Jedi Masters are troubled by the Chancellor's unsettling decision to seize control of the Jedi Council. Meanwhile, Anakin Skywalker, the prophesied Chosen One destined to bring balance to the Force, is increasingly haunted by the fear that his secret love, Senator Padmé Amidala, will meet her demise.

As the battles intensify across the galaxy, the stage is set for a climactic showdown: Obi-Wan embarks on a treacherous mission to eliminate the formidable Separatist military leader, General Grievous. Palpatine, determined to consolidate his power, subtly manipulates public sentiment against the Jedi. And a conflicted Anakin, plagued by disturbing visions, teeters dangerously on the edge of a decision that will reshape the galaxy. It remains for Darth Sidious, whose presence looms ever larger, to deliver the final, devastating blow against the Republic…and to anoint a terrifying new Sith Lord: Darth Vader.


The turning point for the entire Star Wars saga is at hand…

With galactic conflict escalating, the scene is prepared for a dramatic resolution: Obi-Wan takes on a risky assignment to eliminate General Grievous, the feared Separatist commander. Supreme Chancellor Palpatine persists in dismantling constitutional rights in the name of security while swaying public opinion against the Jedi. Anakin, torn by inner turmoil, is gripped by the fear of losing his secret love, Senator Padmé Amidala. Haunted by horrifying visions, Anakin moves closer to a decision that will alter the fate of the galaxy. It is left to Darth Sidious to strike the decisive blow against the Republic and to christen a frightening new Sith Lord: Darth Vader.


  • An excerpt from the introduction previously available on (the content is no longer available; archived link provided)

Notable differences between the movie and the novel

Battle of Coruscant

The book provides a more extensive depiction of the battle sequence, including detailed explanations of specific maneuvers like the Slip Jaws. Additionally, the damage inflicted on Obi-Wan's fighter by the Buzz Droids is significantly greater, rendering his ship almost uncontrollable. Furthermore, Obi-Wan's astromech droid, R4-P17, is incorrectly referred to as male, despite having feminine programming.

Duel with Count Dooku

Duel with Dooku

While the duel between Anakin, Obi-Wan, and Count Dooku is relatively brief in the film, the novelization portrays it as the longest duel in the entire narrative. Additional elements include Dooku using the Force to hurl chairs and tables at the two Jedi.

Prior to the duel, a brief exchange between Palpatine and Dooku reveals Palpatine's plan to entice Dooku into a confrontation with Anakin, his new candidate for apprenticeship. Palpatine informs Dooku that the duel's objective is to eliminate Obi-Wan and surrender to Anakin, thereby fabricating a suitable public narrative for them to seize control of the galaxy. This marks the first instance in the novelizations where it is confirmed that Darth Sidious and Palpatine are the same person.

However, Dooku becomes lost in his own thoughts, envisioning his true intentions to assassinate Sidious and establish his own Sith Order, with Obi-Wan as his apprentice, despite being instructed to do the opposite.

In the novel, Dooku is portrayed as being clearly outmatched by the Jedi, with both Obi-Wan and Anakin being nearly as powerful as he is. He panics and focuses his energy on eliminating Obi-Wan before Anakin can kill him.

Instead of using the Force to throw Obi-Wan against a balcony, Dooku delivers a wheel-kick to Kenobi's chin, sending the unconscious Jedi crashing into the wall and splitting his scalp.

Anakin severs Dooku's hands one at a time, unlike in the film.

After Dooku is disarmed and Palpatine urges Anakin to kill him, Dooku realizes that he has been used as a pawn and a decoy, lacking the true powers of a Sith. Unlike in the film, Dooku pleads for his life, rather than remaining silent as Anakin contemplates killing him at Palpatine's command.

His final thought before being decapitated is: "Treachery is the way of the Sith."

Anakin's guilt over killing Dooku in cold blood is more extensively explored compared to the movie, revealing his inner reflections on his actions.

Anakin and his lightsaber

While carrying Obi-Wan on his back, Anakin accidentally drops his lightsaber down the turbo shaft. Grievous then dispatches his bodyguards to retrieve it.

Anakin and Padmé

The novelization delves deeper into the tragic couple's relationship, illustrating its rapid decline. The scene where Padmé reveals her pregnancy to Anakin is expanded:

Here, in the Senate Office Building hallway, she shares news of a gift they have given each other — a gift that brings both joy and terror. This gift is like a double-edged sword, severing their past from their future.

In another instance, the book includes a scene where Anakin and Padmé discuss the gender of their child, believing she is only carrying one baby. Anakin is convinced it's a girl due to the forceful kicks, while Padmé believes it's a boy based on her maternal intuition. While this scene may not directly accelerate Anakin's descent to the dark side, it showcases his love and dedication to his family, emphasizing his willingness to do anything for them, including becoming a Sith Lord.

The book elaborates on Anakin's fear for Padmé's life as a primary motivation for his ambition to become a Jedi Master, granting him access to resources for learning about the Sith. His frustration with his slow advancement is more directly linked to his need to shield his wife from the events depicted in his visions.

A subplot from the original script draft is included, where Anakin is jealous of Obi-Wan and suspects Padmé of having an affair with him. Palpatine further fuels this fear, driving the couple further apart and contributing to Anakin's confused emotional state, ultimately leading to his turn to the dark side.


The book provides more insight into C-3PO's thoughts on various events, including a scene where 3PO allows Obi-Wan into Padmé's apartment, despite his reservations about Kenobi. His conversation with R2-D2 before Anakin's departure for Mustafar is also expanded, with 3PO sharing rumors about the unfolding events. Additionally, Bail Prestor Organa's decision to have C-3PO's memory wiped is given more context, highlighting the droid's clear inability to keep sensitive information (such as the Skywalker twins' true parentage) to himself, in contrast to R2-D2.

General Grievous

In the book, Grievous does not have the sickly cough and is portrayed as nearly invincible (similar to his depiction in Clone Wars). He is also described as incapable of laughter, which he does in the film. However, he fears both Anakin and Obi-Wan, recognizing their superior deadliness compared to other Jedi he has encountered. During his duel with Obi-Wan, Grievous finds himself completely outmatched. When Obi-Wan and Grievous fight on the landing platform, Obi-Wan is able to severely damage Grievous's limbs simply by using the Force, whereas in the film, a similar attempt (targeting Grievous's much thicker legs and without an electrostaff) only injures Obi-Wan.

Grievous's true feelings about the Neimoidians are also revealed in the novel. He is easily irritated by them, often wishing he could remove their brains. Nute Gunray and Rune Haako are only protected from Grievous's "grip" by Darth Sidious's intervention. The bridge crew of the Invisible Hand is not so fortunate; Grievous eliminates them all.

The Neimoidians on General Grievous's flagship

General Grievous eliminates nearly all the Neimoidians aboard the Separatist flagship, either due to their annoying behavior or their failure to complete assigned tasks. The casualties likely include Lushros Dofine, though none are explicitly named. Those not killed by Grievous are struck by randomly deflected blaster bolts from the Droidekas deployed to kill Anakin and Obi-Wan. This contrasts sharply with the film's bridge scene, where Grievous simply instructs the crew to maintain the ship's orbit before departing; during the flagship's crash-landing, the Neimoidians are seen fleeing the bridge, seemingly unharmed.

The Jedi's Council ruling

The novelization expands on the events surrounding the Jedi Council's decision to task Anakin with spying on Palpatine, which were only alluded to in the film. Specifically, they discussed the unique opportunity Palpatine unintentionally presented to them to have Anakin monitor the Supreme Chancellor's actions. Obi-Wan is explicitly against the decision, knowing that Anakin is not one to simply follow orders (based on his personal experience) and that Anakin struggles to conceal his emotions (citing this as the reason the Council denied him the rank of Jedi Master). This also made Anakin fiercely loyal and honest, and there was a risk of irreparably damaging his friendship with Palpatine, which would be too great if the Supreme Chancellor was found innocent. However, Obi-Wan was outvoted and reluctantly complied with the decision. The scene also suggests that the Jedi Council had ulterior motives for having Anakin spy on the Supreme Chancellor beyond simply concern for the Republic's well-being, as Mace Windu argued that sabotaging Anakin's friendship with Palpatine to keep Anakin distant from the Supreme Chancellor was the best reason for making Anakin their spy. The sequence also reveals that, at least during Obi-Wan's tenure on the Council, the Jedi Council was more inclined to argue over what to do than to enter communion with the Force to reach a decision, as various Jedi Masters had reportedly done since before the return of the Sith.

The departure of the Separatist Council

In the film, Obi-Wan overhears Grievous briefing the Separatist Council about their new hideout on Mustafar before they depart in front of Kenobi's eyes. In the book, the Council departs days before Kenobi's arrival. Grievous witnesses them scurrying onto their starship in a state of panic.

Additionally, Nute Gunray lingers for a few minutes to discuss the Council's safety and the financial woes of himself and the other Confederacy leaders before departing. Immediately afterward, Grievous is contacted by Sidious, as in the film.

The Battle of Utapau

When Obi-Wan approaches Grievous, the Separatist general sees the Jedi coming, and therefore, the "Hello there" sequence is absent. Obi-wan also briefly engages the Magna Guards before crushing them with a section of the ceiling.

The Battle of Kashyyyk

The Battle of Kashyyyk is entirely absent from the novel. Luminara Unduli, Quinlan Vos, Chewbacca, Tarfful, and Commander Gree do not appear, nor are they mentioned. However, the book explains why Yoda went to Kashyyyk in the first place: it was an attempt to lure Darth Sidious out of hiding. Palpatine was supposedly manipulating the Jedi into isolating Anakin from his two closest mentors—Obi-Wan and Yoda—before tempting him with the power of the dark side.

Palpatine tests Anakin's thirst for power

Palpatine offers to grant Anakin anything he desires. Initially, Anakin wonders if the Chancellor is merely engaging in a childish game. He requests a new speeder, likely as a test of Palpatine's sincerity. Palpatine inquires if that is all he wishes, and the 'game' escalates until Corellia is mentioned. Sidious asks if he desires only the planet or the entire system. Anakin states that he wants the entire system. The purpose of this game is to reinforce Palpatine's assertion that the Jedi are holding Anakin back and that he must choose what he desires for himself (a Sith concept that focuses solely on personal wants), "letting himself out," as Palpatine puts it. It also demonstrates the extent to which Palpatine is willing to go for his future apprentice; he would have, in fact, given Anakin the entire Corellian sector had he so desired.

The arrest of the Chancellor

In the novelization, Mace Windu contacted Yoda again after discovering the truth about Palpatine's identity, securing the approval of the Grand Master of the Jedi Order for his upcoming decision and actions.

Darth Sidious's lightsaber

The novelization states that Darth Sidious could sense the approach of the four Jedi Masters, as well as Anakin Skywalker's emotional turmoil as he waited in the Council Chamber. The novel also details Palpatine's preparations for the upcoming duel, including retrieving his Sith lightsaber and preparing an audio recording.

The Jedi cornered the Dark Lord, attempting to prevent his escape. Sidious acted swiftly. During the duel, Saesee Tiin was beheaded when Sidious tricked him and caught him off guard. Agen Kolar was then impaled through the head by Sidious's lightsaber. In the movie, Kolar was slain first (making him the first victim of the Great Jedi Purge), followed by Tiin with a slash at the side, though they died near the same time in the film and although both die of different lightsaber markings, Tiin is not beheaded, and Kolar was slain from a chest wound. Kit Fisto and Mace Windu, who survive due to their skill, confront the Chancellor in a final attempt to make him surrender.

Anakin Skywalker, realizing the consequences of revealing Palpatine's true identity, rushed to the Chancellor's office. Shaak Ti stood in his way, attempting to dissuade him, but Anakin rudely refused to obey the Jedi Master.

Upon arriving, he witnessed the intense battle between Kit Fisto, Mace Windu, and Sidious by hovering his speeder outside Palpatine's office window. Initially, he could only distinguish the combatants by their lightsabers. Kit Fisto was decapitated shortly after Skywalker arrived. When his green blade vanished, Skywalker shattered the window and leaped into Palpatine's private office. There, he discovered Kolar's lifeless body and the heads of Saesee Tiin and Kit Fisto (who was also only slashed in the movie). Anakin was able to observe the epic lightsaber duel between Windu and Sidious for some time, instead of arriving just in time when the Jedi knocked down Sidious in the movie.

Duel with the Chancellor

Mace Windu could sense Anakin's approach through the Force before he broke the office window, so it was reasonable for Darth Sidious to have the same experience. When the fight moved to the ledge, Mace described sensing Sidious's momentary hesitation as the Sith Lord decreased his speed.

Whether Sidious intentionally tricked Windu or Windu genuinely outmatched the Sith Lord remains ambiguous in both the film and the novel. Mace admitted, however, that Vaapad could not overpower the Sith Lord, and it was his shatterpoint ability that gave him the advantage. In the book, Mace Windu did not kick Sidious's jaw, and he sliced the Chancellor's weapon in half rather than knocking it from his grasp. It should be noted that in actuality, this would be impossible without the shatterpoint ability, as the casing of Palpatine's lightsaber is built out of lightsaber-resistant Phrik alloy.

When Mace held Sidious at blade point, he explained to the Sith Lord that Darth Sidious and his shadowy order always lose because they are always defeated by their own fear. Sidious countered by screaming "Fool! Do you think the fear you feel is mine?" instead of "No! No!! NO!!! YOU WILL DIE!!!" and blasted the Jedi Master with Force lightning.

During the fight, Mace Windu realized that Sidious's shatterpoint was Anakin Skywalker himself. When Anakin approached Mace, who was struggling to deflect the lightning blasts, Mace sensed that Sidious did not fear Anakin at all, and that the Sith Lord would make no move to defend himself. Mace concluded that this was the shatterpoint of the Sith, and the absolute shatterpoint of the dark side itself.

Ultimately, when Mace was betrayed by Anakin and blasted by Darth Sidious, his last thought before plummeting to his death was the shocking realization that although Anakin Skywalker indeed was the shatterpoint of Darth Sidious, he forgot to look for the shatterpoint of Anakin himself: his desire to save his wife at any cost.

Order 66

Order 66 was described briefly, without mentioning any specific Jedi's death or identifying any clone commander who executed the order. However, Cody remarks that he wishes he had been informed about the order before returning Obi-Wan's lightsaber. Only Obi-Wan's scene was the same as seen in the movie, except for the fact that Cody ordered more than one AT-TE to fire at Kenobi. Boga's death is also quite different: in the novel, the Varactyl is torn apart by gunfire, while in the movie, it simply falls down the pit together with Kenobi. Yoda's case was not described either, and he next appears when he meets Obi-Wan on board the Tantive IV, instead of the Sundered Heart, as seen in the movie.

The Jedi Temple under attack

When Darth Vader makes his entrance into the Jedi Temple accompanied by the 501st, the narrative details his slaying of several Jedi, notably including the gatemaster Jurokk.

Matthew Stover's book elucidates the underlying reasons for the Clone Wars, characterizing them as "the perfect Jedi trap," a concept previously highlighted when Obi-Wan arrives on Utapau. This marks the initial comprehensive depiction of Sidious's overarching scheme.

The Jedi Temple: A Return

The novel offers a more detailed portrayal of how Obi-Wan and Yoda managed to avoid detection within the Temple. Cin Drallig is identified as Obi-Wan's former fencing instructor; Obi-Wan is deeply disturbed upon discovering his dead body on the ground. Obi-Wan is horrified that Anakin was capable of such an act, yet he understands the need to detach himself from emotional bonds.

The Separatist Council's Demise

The mission to Mustafar is portrayed with some differences between the novel and the film adaptation. While the film shows Nute Gunray welcoming Vader before the massacre commences, the novelization depicts San Hill greeting Vader before his demise. San Hill also recognizes Vader as Anakin Skywalker just before being killed. Furthermore, all characters who perish in the novel (with the exception of Poggle the Lesser, attributable to a language barrier) speak, whereas only Nute Gunray speaks in the film.

The order of death for the leaders also diverges from the film: San Hill, Poggle the Lesser, Shu Mai, Wat Tambor, Rune Haako, and ultimately Nute Gunray, who pleads for his life, each uttering their final words before dying. Passel Argente and Po Nudo are not shown dying in the novel, but are seen in the film fleeing from Vader, only to be cut down shortly after. The aides, with the exception of Rune Haako, are not mentioned, nor is Senator Tikkes. The book portrays Anakin relishing the act of killing the council members and savoring each death, while the movie depicts Anakin as cold and consumed by hate.

Duel: Emperor Palpatine against Yoda

The novel incorporates several non-canonical elements that deviate from the films. For instance, Yoda comes to the realization that the Jedi Order erred in focusing their efforts on combating the old Sith instead of the new, evolved Sith of Darth Bane's lineage. Yoda reflects that "he had lost before he started. He had lost before he was born." However, he gains a new understanding "which held the hope of the galaxy" during the battle. In contrast, the film depicts Sidious initially attempting to evade Yoda, engaging in combat only when cornered. The Sith manages to barely force Yoda to retreat after Yoda loses his lightsaber after being outmaneuvered. Conversely, in the novel, Palpatine welcomes Yoda's arrival, seeing it as an opportunity to personally eliminate the esteemed Jedi; he embraces the chance to fight his adversary, even greeting him with a "Happy Empire Day!" upon Yoda's entrance.

In the novel, Yoda's entry into the Chancellor's holding office occurs from a different direction, preventing the Royal Guards from intercepting him, and Mas Amedda departs before any interaction takes place. Yoda redirects Palpatine's Force lightning, causing the guards to fall unconscious rather than being flung across the office. However, Sidious intensifies the lightning's power, rendering Yoda unconscious. Yoda physically strikes Palpatine to the ground instead of using a Force push. Conversely, the film portrays Yoda using the Force to subdue the guards and slam Sidious. He is overcome by lightning due to being caught off guard, not overwhelmed by sheer power.

Palpatine and Yoda then transition to lightsabers. They activate their weapons and engage in a fierce duel. Unlike the film, which features a conventional lightsaber battle between the two masters, the novel describes them exchanging kicks and blows, with Palpatine also employing his lightning. The lightsaber duel begins on the ground but then moves onto the podium in the Senate, mirroring the film's depiction. The two combatants then hurl Senate pods at each other, as in the movie. Nevertheless, in the film, both Yoda and Palpatine use the Force to hurl the pods, whereas in the novel, one uses the Force, and the other uses the controls. Palpatine and Yoda then engage in a lightning battle, as seen in the movie.

The film illustrates the dueling warriors locked in a struggle as Sidious attempts to kill Yoda with lightning, and the Grandmaster contains the attack, attempting to redirect it. Eventually, the lightning explodes, sending the smaller man over the edge, although Yoda survives. In the novel's version of the battle, the lightning energy ball does not explode. Sidious safely leaps to a nearby podium, and the Grand Master follows. At this juncture, Yoda concedes, Palpatine turns and blasts Yoda, who is still airborne, back against another podium; Yoda then plummets to the bottom of the Senate Chamber. The book also incorrectly states that Yoda has a lightsaber when he flees, and using it to break things.

Palpatine himself was not knocked over by any blast, but he was described as "a very old, very tired man" following the intense battle. Palpatine was unable to oversee the search for Yoda as he rushed to rescue Darth Vader, but he instructed the clones to destroy the entire building if necessary.

Obi-Wan versus Darth Vader: The Duel

Darth Vader and his master, Obi-Wan Kenobi, battle on Mustafar

The duel is of shorter duration compared to the film, with the novel prioritizing the emotional states of the duelists over the specifics of the combat itself. The book addresses the well-known "Obi-Wan's interchanging lightsaber" issue that occurred when he was choked by Vader. The manner in which Vader loses his limbs remains consistent, but the dialogue is reversed, from "I hate you" followed by "You were my brother Anakin, I loved you" to having Obi-Wan speak first.

Vader's Internal World

Darth Vader's mask being lowered into place

The book provides greater insight into Anakin's emotions as he is confined within the armor, encompassing both his feelings about the suit itself and recent events: his affections for individuals (such as Padmé and Obi-Wan), his resentment towards Obi-Wan for attempting to turn Padmé against him, and his anger at Obi-Wan for leaving him to die. While the film offers a glimpse into Anakin/Vader's sentiments regarding his wife's death, the book delves deeper into these emotions, revealing his regret, disbelief, and sorrow at the loss of not only his wife but also his child.

Darth Vader, deprived of everything, save his loyalty to his master

The Next Generation

The book then transitions to the birth of the Skywalkers and other developments. The ending in the novelization remains largely unchanged, although more details are revealed about Yoda's reflections on the Jedi Order's shortcomings and his ability to communicate with the deceased Qui-Gon Jinn. One notable alteration pertains to the twins' future: Bail Organa offers to take Leia, not truly believing there is any chance of success, and becomes somewhat sheepish when Obi-Wan and Yoda agree to it.

Canon Status

Like other Star Wars film novelizations, Revenge of the Sith belongs to the Expanded Universe, which was rebranded as Star Wars Legends in 2014, categorized as C-canon. However, Matthew Stover stated in 2006 that George Lucas was heavily involved in its editing.

