Star Wars: Lost Tribe of the Sith: The Collected Stories

The comprehensive anthology titled Star Wars: Lost Tribe of the Sith: The Collected Stories compiles all the eBooks from the Lost Tribe of the Sith series, authored by John Jackson Miller. Del Rey released it on July 24, 2012 in both paperback and digital formats. Included within are maps illustrating Kesh, alongside a segment extracted from the novel X-Wing: Mercy Kill written by Aaron Allston.

Publisher's Synopsis

This single volume encompasses the eight original episodes of the renowned Lost Tribe of the Sith eBook saga... accompanied by an entirely new and explosive conclusion, Pandemonium—offering over a hundred pages of fresh content!

Set five millennia in the past. Following a Jedi assault, the Sith mining vessel, Omen, is left crippled on an uncharted, distant world. Yaru Korsin, its commanding officer, grapples with the violence of a rebellious group spearheaded by his own sibling. Stranded and facing imminent demise, the Sith crew must venture into the surrounding wilderness. They confront numerous perilous trials—savage beasts, deadly diseases, indigenous tribes venerating wrathful deities—and, embodying true Sith warriors, they combat these threats using the dark side of the Force.

These tribulations mark only the beginning for the proud and unwavering Sith, who are driven by an unyielding desire for dominance. They will subdue the primitive inhabitants, and they will reclaim their destined role as rulers of the galaxy. However, as their legacy expands over millennia, the Sith ultimately face a challenge from the most insidious adversary: the enemy lurking within their own ranks.

Plot Synopsis

Circa 5000 BBY, amidst the events of the Great Hyperspace War, a Sith mining ship named the Omen suffers a crash landing on the planet Kesh. This planet remains undiscovered by both the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire. Yaru Korsin, the captain of the vessel and a Human slave, endeavors to maintain order among his frightened crew. Kesh is characterized as a relatively undeveloped world inhabited by the superstitious Keshiri people, confined to the continent of Keshtah. The Keshiri venerate the Skyborn, whom they perceive as gods descending from the heavens, believing the newly arrived Sith to be their incarnations.

Over the subsequent fifteen years, the newcomers exert unchallenged authority over the Keshiri population, with Yaru Korsin ascending to the position of Grand Lord of the Skyborn. Years later, a clandestine movement of Keshiri rebels plots to liberate their world from the intruding Sith. Through the nefarious schemes of Seelah, the widow of Yaru Korsin's brother, the pureblood Sith among the Omen survivors are eliminated, leaving the Humans to fend for themselves. Jariad, Seelah's son, inflicts a mortal wound upon the Grand Lord during a coup. Despite Yaru's demise, his daughter, Nida, survives and punishes Seelah, her own aunt-in-law, for her betrayal.

More than a millennium later, the site of the Omen's crash becomes a hallowed location for the Keshiri, concealed by a Temple nestled in the mountains. The Sith dynasty persists, no longer based on lineage but rather on a meritocratic system shaped by demonstrations of power and adept political maneuvering. An assassination attempt goes awry, targeting the current Grand Lord, an elderly and feeble woman named Lillia Venn. Candra Kitai, a High Lord, is implicated and held responsible. Consequently, she and her daughter, Orielle Kitai, are stripped of their status and forced into servitude. Subsequently, Ori escapes to the countryside, finding solace with a humble gardener named Jelph. Jelph is, in reality, a covert Jedi agent who has recently and inadvertently arrived on the Keshiri's planet. Ori eventually uncovers his true identity, discovering his Republic starfighter concealed within his shed. Venn, accompanied by a retinue of Sith Lords, arrives at Jelph's residence, also discovering the spacecraft. When Venn boards the starfighter, she inadvertently triggers an antitheft device set by Jelph, resulting in the destruction of the ship and Venn in an explosion, leaving Jelph and Ori as exiles in the wilderness, where they embark on a new life together.

Following another thousand years of stagnation, the Sith dynasty has now fragmented into feuding factions that only unite to uphold the traditions of Yaru Korsin, the inaugural Grand Lord of Kesh. Varner Hilts, a guardian of Sith customs, plays a traditional holographic recording made by Korsin near the end of his reign, intended for his daughter, Nida. Before the assembled Sith factions, Hilts allows the recording to play beyond its intended conclusion, revealing fragments of an earlier transmission never meant for public viewing – an image of the Dark Lord Naga Sadow identifying the crew of the Omen as mere slaves. This revelation throws the Sith factions into turmoil, as their perception of their ancestors as divine conquerors is shattered. As the disillusioned Sith factions begin to disintegrate, Hilts realizes there is more to Korsin's recording. He left a hidden message to Nida, with the cryptic words that "the true power lies behind the throne". Hilts finds Korsin's old command chair that he used as a throne in a secret chamber within the Omen Temple. Inside it, he finds a hidden map of the entire world of Kesh, revealing an unexplored continent on the far side of the planet, a landmass recorded by the Omen's sensors during the crash but left unrevealed to Korsin's crew. Realizing the key to unifying the disintegrating Sith factions, Hilts gives them a target of conquest and after twenty-five years of planning and advancements, the Sith have constructed a fleet of airships to travel across the ocean and invade the new continent.

Edell Vrai, a talented engineer, spearheads a scouting fleet towards the newly christened Alanciar. However, the Keshiri of Alanciar are prepared, having maintained vigilance since being warned centuries prior by Adari Vaal, a Keshiri who initially greeted the Sith and subsequently fled their rule during Yaru Korsin's reign. Massive ballistae decimate the Sith airships, resulting in Edell's crash landing on the coast. He takes Quarra Thayn and Jogan Halder, a pair of opposing Keshiri watchers, as prisoners. Edell instructs his Sith lieutenants to escort Halder back to the Keshtar homeland, while compelling Quarra to guide him into the Alanciar civilization. Edell is impressed by the advanced architecture and engineering displayed by these Keshiri, advancements driven by their long-standing fear of a Sith invasion from afar. Edell is shocked to see a Sith invasion force, impulsively launched from Keshtar before his scouting expedition could return, attempting conquest of Alanciar. Its leader, the Sith Lord Bentado, seeks to betray his tribe and destroy any remaining airships so he can rule the new land unchallenged. Quarra and Edell work together and succeed in defeating Lord Bentado.

Hilts, now Grand Lord of the Lost Tribe of Sith, arrives as a benevolent contrast to Bentado's force, bringing with him Jogan, who sings the praises of the distant Sith, alleviating the concerns of the Alanciar. Hilts, a far more pragmatic and even-minded ruler than the Grand Lords past, sees the unification of Kesh as the key to the continued survival of the Lost Tribe, even welcoming Keshiri blood into their ranks to ensure their future. A new era begins in Kesh.

Contained Works

  • Lost Tribe of the Sith: Precipice
  • Lost Tribe of the Sith: Skyborn
  • Lost Tribe of the Sith: Paragon
  • Lost Tribe of the Sith: Savior
  • Lost Tribe of the Sith: Purgatory
  • Lost Tribe of the Sith: Sentinel
  • Lost Tribe of the Sith: Pantheon
  • Lost Tribe of the Sith: Secrets
  • Lost Tribe of the Sith: Pandemonium

Media Representations

Available Formats

Cover Images


Footnotes and Citations

  • Lost Tribe of the Sith: Star Wars Legends: The Collected Stories on Penguin Random House's official website (backup link)
  • The world of Kesh gets bigger – and maps! on Faraway Press: The Online Home of John Jackson Miller (backup link)
