Star Wars Insider 163

Star Wars Insider 163, the seventy-first issue published by Titan Magazines, represents the 141st edition of Star Wars Insider magazine. Its release date was February 2, 2016.

Publisher's summary

With Star Wars: The Force Awakens shattering box office records, Insider provides a behind-the-scenes look, featuring discussions with the cast and crew about the film. Additionally, the magazine offers an in-depth exploration of Star Wars Rebels on television, revisits the Jedi Toy Box, presents a compelling story, and showcases the latest books, comics, and collectibles!


  • Launch Pad – Discover exclusive news and entertaining content from the Star Wars galaxy!
  • " The Art Awakens " Explore the stunning artwork that defined the visual style of Star Wars: The Force Awakens!
  • Jedi Toy Box – The story behind the creation of the Naboo Royal Starship.
  • " Journey to Lost Stars " Claudia Gray discusses the development of her young adult novel, Lost Stars.
  • " Roll With it: The Tale of BB-8 " Uncover the fascinating story of the must-have Star Wars BB-8 toy!
  • " Radio Drama! " An interview featuring John Madden and Tom Voegeli, the director and producer of the Star Wars radio drama.
  • " The Jedi General " Tricia Barr continues her Obi-Wan exploration, following up on Insider 161's article.
  • My Star WarsJack Klaff, who played John D. Branon in A New Hope, shares his thoughts on the saga!
  • " The Perfect Weapon " An excerpt from the eBook by Delilah S. Dawson.
  • " From Fan to Far, Far Away! " Simon Pegg, a lifelong Star Wars enthusiast, recounts his experience playing Unkar Plutt in the new film!
  • Blaster Publishing – Featuring The Force Awakens novelization, Adventures in Wild Space, Star Wars: Droids & Ewoks Omnibus, Star Wars: Chewbacca, and Star Wars: Obi-Wan and Anakin. Incoming – Discover the newest Star Wars merchandise to enhance your collection! Bantha Tracks – Insider celebrates the saga's most devoted fans!
  • Red FiveAlexander Freed presents his top five Star Wars soldiers.


Notes and references
