Star Wars Insider 169

title: Star Wars Insider 169

Issue number 169 of Star Wars Insider, which is the 147th edition of the Star Wars Insider magazine overall, represents the seventy-seventh issue that Titan Magazines has put out. It was made available to the public on October 25, 2016, and it features the original work of fiction called "Turning Point."

Publisher's summary

_ Star Wars Rebels is back! As the story progresses on television with the newest season of Star Wars Rebels, the actors and production team share insights about the new season! With the premiere of Rogue One just a few weeks away, Star Wars Insider offers a sneak peek at the upcoming film. Furthermore: Discover the heroic story of Anakin Skywalker!_


  • Launch Pad – Get the latest news and interesting tidbits from the Star Wars galaxy!
  • " Third Strike " An interview is conducted with Dave Filoni
  • " Sith Star " An article discussing the Darth Vader comic book series from Marvel Comics
  • " Star Wars Rebels: Season Two Episode Guide " A summary of each episode from the second season of Star Wars Rebels
  • " Learning Lessons With Ezra " An interview with Taylor Gray, the voice actor for Ezra Bridger
  • " Turning Point " A short story penned by Jason M. Hough, accompanied by artwork from Carsten Bradley
  • " Sheer Art Attack " An interview is conducted with Tiya Sircar, who provides the voice for Sabine Wren
  • " Analyze This! " An interview with Stephen Stanton, the voice actor behind the analyst droid AP-5
  • Blaster Publishing – Including Star Wars: TIE Fighter Deluxe Book and Model Set, Star Wars: R2-D2 Deluxe Book and Model Set, Star Wars: X-Wing Deluxe Book and Model Set, Star Wars: Millennium Falcon Deluxe Book and Model Set, Trapped in the Death Star!, Luke and the Lost Jedi Temple, Star Wars: Galactic Atlas, Catalyst: A Rogue One Novel, Star Wars: Rogue One: The Ultimate Visual Guide, Star Wars: Rogue One: Ultimate Sticker Encyclopedia, Star Wars: Rogue One: Secret Mission, Art of Coloring: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, Star Wars: Rogue One: Rebel Dossier, Star Wars: Rogue One Profiles and Poster Book, and the sixth story arc of the Star Wars comic series. Incoming – The newest Star Wars merchandise that you'll want to include in your collection! Bantha Tracks – Insider recognizes the saga's most devoted followers!



  • A list of 10 Highlights from Star Wars Insider #169 – Available Now! on (backup link)

Notes and references

  • The Star Wars Insider Issue #169 page on the Titan Magazines official website (content is no longer current; backup link)
  • STAR WARS INSIDER #169 NEWSSTAND ED on the Previews World official website (backup link)
