
Storga was a specially crafted cocktail prepared at a bar located within the Canto Casino and Racetrack found in the city of Canto Bight.


This beverage, Storga, presented as a disgusting, muddy brown liquid, notable for its putrid odor and composition of unique components. Lexo Sooger internally remarked that its aroma resembled (and presumably its taste mirrored) that of a decaying swamp.

The drink was custom made for Big Sturg Ganna


During the time of the First Order-Resistance War, the gangster known as Sturg Ganna requested this drink at least once every day for a period spanning several years. Ganna habitually ordered and settled the bill for the drink at approximately the same hour each day; subsequent to its preparation, a droid would promptly retrieve the drink and transport it to Ganna. On a specific occasion, Masseur Lexo Sooger inquired with the bartender following the drink's creation, shadowing the waiter droid through the hotel to the entrance of Councilor Ganna's personal suite situated in the subterranean area, where Sooger correctly deduced the gangster was holding the kidnapped Lula.

