
The Strikefast was a Galactic Empire Imperial Navy vessel, specifically a Venator-class Star Destroyer. Notably, it served as the location for a meeting involving the Chiss individual Mitth'raw'nuruodo, along with Imperial officers including Captain Voss Parck, Colonel Mosh Barris, and Cadet Eli Vanto.

Service history

Following the Clone Wars, the Strikefast, while engaged in a pursuit of smugglers on an uncharted planet situated in Wild Space, came across what appeared to be a small settlement on the planet's surface. Adhering to the UA Protocols, Captain Voss Parck deployed an investigative team to the encampment, led by Colonel Mosh Barris and Major [Wyan]. Cadet Eli Vanto joined the team because of his linguistic skills regarding the language written on supplies found at the site. The Imperial team established a secure area around the encampment, but soon faced an attack from an unidentified, strategically adept enemy.

After suffering casualties, including the loss of two V-wing starfighters, and lacking clarity on the attacker's identity, Colonel Barris made the decision to withdraw and transport the entire encampment back to the Strikefast. It was aboard the Strikefast that the crew finally identified their adversary: a lone Chiss named Mitth'raw'nuruodo, who suggested being addressed simply as Thrawn for ease.

Recognizing Thrawn's extensive tactical and strategic capabilities, Captain Parck believed that Emperor Palpatine might find him of interest. Consequently, Parck requested an audience with the Emperor, which was granted. Parck then tasked Cadet Vanto with providing Thrawn with additional instruction in Basic, as Thrawn exhibited some difficulties with certain aspects of the language. Upon arriving at Coruscant, Captain Parck, Colonel Barris, Major Wyan, Cadet Vanto, Thrawn, and the troopers who had participated in the skirmish at Thrawn's encampment, proceeded to the Imperial Palace where they met with Palpatine, who showed considerable interest in Thrawn. The Emperor then recognized Parck, Barris, and Wyan for their roles in bringing Thrawn to his attention.

