
The avian species known as Strutters were sentient beings. These creatures possessed slender builds, notable for their blue legs and beaks, alongside elongated arms concluding in skilled hands. On the Forest Moon of Endor, a group of them made their home in the Strutter village, where they would use mirrors to admire themselves as they groomed their vibrant pink and yellow feathers. The Strutters placed a high value on fashion and appearance, and they were quick to judge the style of others. This behavior gave other species the impression that they were exceptionally conceited, resulting in the avians gaining a reputation for foolishness.

In the year 3 ABY, a peculiar individual arrived at the Strutter village and presented them with a totem pole, emphasizing its fashionable design. The Strutters enthusiastically accepted the offering, unaware that the object was actually composed of a collection of beings who had been enslaved by the traveling salesman. That night, the salesman used a magical ring to animate them and instructed them to plunder the village. However, a pair of Ewoks intervened, thwarting the robbery and safeguarding the Strutters' belongings.

Biology and appearance

Strutters were a sentient, two-legged avian species that typically stood between 1.5 and 2 meters tall. Each Strutter had a horizontally oriented, rounded, oblong body. The birds were primarily covered in pink plumage, highlighted by patches of yellow at the ends of the neck and on each side of the head. The tail was similarly bushy and yellow, possessing a flexible nature that Strutters would wag as they preened. In place of wings, they had two lengthy, jointed arms that terminated in four-fingered hands, which they used to manipulate their surroundings and grasp objects. The avians ambled about on two slender, light-blue legs. Their feet had three toes, were broad, and webbed.

A long, curved neck extended from the body, culminating in a small, round head. The Strutter's face featured two white eyes with dark red eyelids, and a curved, pointed beak filled with white teeth and a red tongue. This beak also extended around the back of the head, flanked by two pink protrusions. The face was adaptable and expressive, allowing Strutters to smile.

Society and culture

Strutters lived in globular huts set on stilts or hanging from trees.

Strutters enjoyed grooming and preening, often while observing themselves in handheld mirrors. These creatures held strong opinions on matters of fashion and were not shy about expressing their views on the tastes of others, even strangers. The Strutters were obsessed with fashion, constantly seeking out the latest trends. As their name suggests, Strutters did not simply walk; they strutted with their eyes closed, heads held high, and chests puffed out. Other inhabitants of Endor found their behavior ridiculous, and the Ewoks considered them to be rather dim-witted. Despite this, the Strutters of Endor could speak and understand Ewokese.

Strutters were social beings and lived in sizable groups. They disliked cold temperatures and would huddle together for warmth in such conditions. On Endor, Strutters resided in a village located in a grove within the moon's forests. These birds occupied spherical huts constructed from sticks and straw, entering and exiting through an oblong opening with a long, thin perch in front. The Strutters elevated these huts, either suspending them from tree branches or supporting them on stilts or poles. Strutters furnished their homes with various items, including bottles, boxes, cans, folding fans, locking chests, rugs, and stools. They were diurnal creatures, sleeping soundly at night in their huts, their snores echoing throughout the village.


The Strutters of Endor eagerly accepted a totem pole from a strange peddler, never suspecting that it was actually a gang of enslaved thieves.

The Strutters of Endor founded their village in the forests near the main Ewok settlement, Bright Tree Village. There, they constructed their elevated, rounded dwellings. They developed relationships with nearby groups, and over time, the Strutters acquired or produced a variety of goods for their village.

In 3 ABY, a peculiar merchant arrived in the village driving a bordok-pulled cart. Although the Strutters voiced their disapproval of the outsider's "tacky" style, the traveling salesman piqued their interest when he offered them "the latest fashion," free of charge: a totem pole. The Strutters were ecstatic about the gift and placed it in a prominent location within their village.

That evening, the Strutters retired to their homes as usual. Unbeknownst to them, the merchant used a magic ring to activate the totem pole, causing the creatures depicted on it to come to life as his slaves. The Totem Master ordered the creatures to steal the Strutters' possessions, and the slaves quickly amassed a considerable collection of stolen items. However, two Ewoks—Kneesaa a Jari Kintaka and Wicket W. Warrick—had secretly ridden on the Totem Master's cart in pursuit of their friend, Teebo, who had been enchanted along with the other totem slaves. Warrick and Kneesaa captured the Totem Master in an attempt to thwart his plan, but the thief escaped and unleashed his slaves upon the intruders. During the ensuing conflict, Warrick stopped the Totem Master by reflecting a magical blast with a Strutter mirror, transforming the Totem Master himself into an inanimate totem. His ring then fell from his finger and shattered, freeing the other totem slaves and ending the theft from the Strutter village.

Later that same year, the Strutters suffered from extreme cold when their village was blanketed in snow during an unusual storm in the middle of the Forest Moon's summer. They were forced to huddle together for warmth as the snow reached their chests. Eventually, the weather returned to normal after four young Ewoks—Kneesaa, Warrick, Teebo, and Latara—returned the Season scepter to the Sun King, from whom the Snow King's Icehead minions had stolen it, thus causing the strange weather patterns.

Behind the scenes

Writer Bob Carrau created the Strutters in "The Totem Master," an episode of the Ewoks animated series that originally aired on October 4, 1986, during the show's second season. He later included them in a cameo appearance in another second season episode, "The Season Scepter," which was first broadcast on November 1, 1986.

