Swilja Fenn

Swilja Fenn of Clan Fenn was a Jedi Knight within the New Jedi Order. She was a female Twi'lek.

Fenn received her name from Swilja, a Twi'lek princess of legend renowned for her beauty.


Yuuzhan Vong War

In the course of the Yuuzhan Vong War, Swilja was hunted down and apprehended by Peace Brigadiers on Cujicor. She was abandoned on an unamed moon for collection by the Yuuzhan Vong. They subsequently delivered her to Warmaster Tsavong Lah. Lah then commended her for demonstrating her worthiness of being a sacrifice, at which point Swilja attempted an unsuccessful attack on Lah.

Lah requested that she assist in handing over Jacen Solo to him. Upon her refusal, telling him to "Eat poodoo", he handed her over to interrogators, and ultimately took her life himself.

During her imprisonment and experience of torture at the hands of the Yuuzhan Vong, Swilja was prepared to give in to the dark side. However, due to their inability to perceive the Force, she realized even that would be futile.

During the Jedi conclave held on Yavin 4, Kyp Durron cited her demise, along with others, to advocate for a more forceful opposition to the Yuuzhan Vong.

Behind the scenes

A potential Swilja from Star Wars: Union

In the Star Wars: Union comics, a fair-skinned Twi'lek woman made an appearance. In response to inquiries about this on the StarWars.com forums, Leland Chee initially suggested that this could be Swilja, but later commented that it is probably Swilja.

