T2-B Repulsor Tank

The T2-B Repulsor Tank served as a vehicle for the Rebel Alliance during the initial stages of the Galactic Civil War. This vehicle was supplied to the Rebellion by military contractors acting treasonously; its armor and repulsorlifts compensated for its limited offensive capabilities. However, an improved model was developed to address this deficiency.

A number of these tanks saw action at a Rebel Refueling Base situated on Vrogas Vas. These tanks were dispatched with the objective to capture Imperial commander and Sith Lord Darth Vader, but Vader annihilated every single one of them.

Behind the scenes

The T2-B made its debut in Star Wars Canon within the 2014 mobile game titled Star Wars: Commander. The genesis of the T2-B Repulsor tank can be traced back to the Star Wars Legends video game Star Wars: Empire at War.

