Team Purella was a group of Jedi, one of five strike-teams dispatched to Corellia for Operation Roundabout. The team was composed of Jaina Solo, Zekk, Thann Mithric (a Falleen Jedi), and Kolir Hu'lya (a Bothan); their objective was the apprehension of Aidel Saxan, the Five World Prime Minister.
However, the Corellians were prepared for the Jedi teams' arrival. The Prime Minister's convoy turned out to be a trap, filled with YVH 1 battle droids. Despite this, Team Purella managed to escape the ambush. They then linked up with Team Tauntaun, led by Tahiri Veila, and together they devised a plan to escape. This involved "acquiring" Kirney Slane and Kolot's shuttle from Donoslane Excursions, located at Behareh Spaceport.