Teck Randon held a position within the Thaereian military and was stationed within the Cularin system. He learned that Ginder, a Bimm, was attempting to sell the head of L80-RC, a droid who likely possessed records from its previous owner, Riboga the Hutt. Consequently, Randon, accompanied by his subordinates Joq Landhauler and Kirla Shorg, sought to acquire the droid head. Despite wearing gray miner's jumpsuits rather than standard military attire, they made no attempt to conceal their military demeanor. As Ginder convened with freelancers he'd enlisted for assistance, Randon intervened, accusing Ginder of possessing stolen goods and attempting to coerce the freelancers into relinquishing the item. Simultaneously, a group of three local criminals arrived, asserting Nirama's claim to the droid head, which triggered a conflict among the three groups. Ultimately, the freelancers gained possession of the head amidst the chaos.