During the Galactic Empire's reign, the Rebel Alliance operated secret stardocks. These facilities were situated within the Telaris system's Telaris cometary cloud. Constructed from city-ships originally belonging to the Mon Cala, the stardocks served as crucial warship production and refitting centers for the burgeoning rebellion.
These rebel stardocks originated from a segment of the Mon Cala city-ships fleet that participated in the mass exodus from the Mon Calamari homeworld. Following their conversion into war production hubs, these city-ships gained the capacity to transform Mon Calamari Star Cruisers into battle-ready warships.

In the year 3 BBY, these stardocks concluded their transformation and commenced the refitting of Mon Calamari Star Cruisers. The MC75 Star Cruiser known as Profundity was among the initial cruisers prepared for combat service with the emerging Rebel Alliance. Colonel Anj Zavor of Rebel Fleet Command dispatched a report to Commander-in-Chief Mon Mothma, providing updates on the ongoing operations within the Telaris system. Subsequently, the Profundity completed its modifications, followed by the MC80A Home One Type Heavy Star Cruisers, specifically the Home One and Nautilian.
Decades later, in 34 ABY, after the retrieval of The Rebel Files, Resistance Admiral Gial Ackbar added a note to a report contained within the files, pondering whether his ship, the Home One, had ever departed the stardock before the Nautilian. Ushos O. Statura, another Admiral, responded, affirming that it had, attributing the Nautilian's delayed completion to the Ishanna inversion.