Anj Zavor

Colonel Anj Zavor, a human in the service of the Alliance to Restore the Republic, held a position within Fleet Command. He furnished Commander Mon Mothma with intelligence regarding the conversion of Mon Calamari city-ships into military vessels inside the Telaris cometary cloud, along with the capture of a Quasar Fire-class cruiser-carrier in 3 BBY. Subsequently, Zavor acted as a go-between for Admiral Raddus, who led the Alliance Fleet, and the rebel contingent stationed at the Great Temple on the moon of Yavin 4.

During 0 BBY, he was present at a meeting within the temple where the Alliance High Command deliberated on the possibility of acquiring the plans for the Imperial Death Star superweapon, but ultimately decided against pursuing that course of action. Following the unsanctioned departure of a rogue squad of rebels to steal the plans, Raddus commanded a fleet to provide assistance. Zavor then ensured continuous communication between Yavin 4 and Raddus throughout the ensuing Battle of Scarif. Though Raddus died in the conflict, the successful retrieval of the plans enabled the Alliance to destroy the Death Star during the Battle of Yavin, after which Zavor participated in an award ceremony honoring the victors.


Liaison to Raddus

Zavor served as part of Alliance High Command.

A human from Majoros, Anj Zavor held the rank of colonel in Fleet Command, serving the Alliance to Restore the Republic's navy. He communicated to Commander Mon Mothma, the Alliance's leader, that the Rebellion had finished converting Mon Calamari city-ships into military production facilities within the Telaris cometary cloud. The officer pointed out that the MC75 Star Cruiser Profundity would be the first cruiser ready for combat at the stardocks. He also mentioned in an addendum the Quasar Fire-class cruiser carrier acquired by Commander Hera Syndulla in the Ryloth system in 3 BBY. Zavor gave information on the carrier model, suggesting they could serve as escort carriers if more were obtained.

Later, Zavor became the point of contact between the Massassi Group rebel forces, based at the Great Temple headquarters on the moon Yavin 4, and Admiral Raddus, the commander of the Profundity and the Alliance Fleet. Zavor maintained open communication between Yavin 4 and the constantly mobile admiral. As a member of Alliance High Command, Zavor was listed as Raddus's liaison in Form #49021804-REB, a classified intelligence document included in The Rebel Files, along with Zavor's message to Mothma.

Prelude to Scarif

Anj Zavor attended a meeting to discuss the Death Star plans on Scarif.

In 0 BBY, Zavor was among Alliance High Command members who witnessed the questioning and recruitment of criminal Jyn Erso into the Alliance at the Great Temple. Erso later returned with information from her father, Imperial scientist Galen Erso, revealing the Galactic Empire's construction of a superweapon called the Death Star, capable of destroying planets.

Galen had created a weakness in the weapon that the rebels could exploit if they obtained the plans for the battle station from Scarif. A meeting was held to discuss this information, with Jyn and Raddus advocating for an attack on Scarif. Zavor stood behind General Davits Draven during the meeting, but the attack plan didn't receive unanimous support from the Rebel Council. After the meeting, Jyn led an unauthorized squad of Alliance forces to Scarif to steal the plans.

Scarif and Yavin

Upon learning of the squad on Scarif, the rebels on Yavin 4 mobilized their forces, with Raddus leading the fleet from the Profundity. Zavor then performed his liaison duties for Raddus during the Battle of Scarif, where the plans were successfully stolen, but Raddus and many other rebels were killed. After Raddus's death and the battle's end, Zavor contacted Admiral Gial Ackbar and the remaining fleet elements, which General Jan Dodonna reported to Mothma. Ackbar reported that his forces were understaffed, behind schedule, underequipped, and unable to replace Raddus or reinforce the rebel fleet. After the plans reached the Great Temple on Yavin 4, the Death Star traveled to the Yavin system to destroy the rebel headquarters.

Anj Zavor attended a medal ceremony after the Battle of Yavin.

Zavor was present during the Battle of Yavin, where the Alliance used the plans to destroy the Death Star. The morning after the Alliance's victory, an award ceremony was held in the temple. Princess Leia Organa presented Medals of Bravery to Luke Skywalker and Han Solo, pilots who were key to the battle. Zavor stood on stage behind Organa with Dodonna and other Alliance High Command members. The rebels then evacuated all personnel from Yavin 4.

In 35 ABY, historian Beaumont Kin included an image of Zavor at the meeting where Erso revealed the flaw in the Death Star, taken by the Great Temple's internal security, in his book The Rise and Fall of the Galactic Empire.

Personality and traits

Anj Zavor had light skin, gray hair, and brown eyes.


Before the Battle of Scarif, Zavor wore a brown shirt with tan pants, a brown belt, and a tan jacket from traditional Alderaanian military livery. He wore a rank insignia plaque with five red pips on his jacket. During the awards ceremony, Zavor wore a tan cap, a white neckerchief, a green jacket, green pants, black shoes, and a black belt.

Behind the scenes

Anj Zavor was portrayed by Henry Roberts in A New Hope.

Anj Zavor was played by an uncredited Henry Roberts in the 1977 original trilogy film, Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope. The medal ceremony scene was filmed on Stage H at Shepperton Studios between May 13 and May 18, 1976. The character was first identified in the Star Wars Legends continuity in the "Rogues Gallery" feature, written by Leland Chee, in the 133th issue of Star Wars Insider magazine, published on May 1, 2012.

Author Pablo Hidalgo determined that a character in the 2016 canon Anthology Series film, Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, played by a different actor, served as a depiction of Zavor. He identified him as such in Star Wars: Rogue One: The Ultimate Visual Guide. Though the book identifies Zavor as a colonel, his rank plaque in the film has five pips, which the guide identifies as a general's insignia.

