The Telos Polar Irrigation System Serving as the central point for fresh water access on the planet of Telos IV, the Telos Polar Irrigation System was a vital complex. Similar in function to the system found on Coruscant, the capital of the Galactic Republic, it provided water to almost all of Telos's cities. Following the Bombing of Telos IV by the treacherous Admiral Saul Karath during the initial phase of the Jedi Civil War, the system was left to fall into disuse, and its central hub, situated in the planet's northern, snow-covered mountains, became desolate.
Sometime following the Conclave on Katarr, the Jedi Master Atris located the abandoned irrigation system. She relocated her extensive collection of Sith holocrons, along with numerous Jedi artifacts recovered from the Jedi Enclave on Dantooine before its destruction, and utilized the deserted facility as a base to try and re-establish the Jedi Order. As part of this endeavor, she brought the Handmaiden Sisters, including Brianna, to Telos, with the intention of using them as "watchers" for the Order she was trying to rebuild. The system's remote location, combined with the lingering echoes in the Force created by the devastation of Telos, made it an ideal sanctuary from the Sith assassins commanded by Darth Sion and Darth Nihilus.
In 3951 BBY, the Jedi Exile made her way to the irrigation system's hub, which by then had become the Telosian Jedi Academy, to finally retrieve her famous starship, the Ebon Hawk.