TF-1726's Munificent-class star frigate

During the time of the Clone Wars, the Confederacy of Independent Systems made use of a Munificent-class star frigate within its naval forces, commanded by the T-series military strategic analysis and tactics droid known as TF-1726. The frigate spearheaded a fleet consisting of several other Munificent-class star frigates in 21 BBY, against the Galactic Republic task force led by Jedi General Aayla Secura at the planet called Quell. Although the Munificents succeeded in obliterating all three of Secura's Venator-class Star Destroyers during the engagement, the Jedi managed to survive the destruction of her flagship, the Liberty, with assistance from fellow Jedi General Anakin Skywalker.


The [frigate](/article/frigate], being a Munificent-class star frigate, measured 825 meters long, had a width of 426 meters, and a height of 243 meters. Seven ion drive thrusters propelled the frigate at its stern, and it also featured a pair of long-range hyperwave transceiver masts mounted on the port and starboard sides. For armaments, the Munificent was equipped with a pair of heavy turbolaser cannons and a pair of long-range heavy ion cannons at the vessel's prow. Furthermore, it also had thirty-four twin light turbolaser cannons, with seventeen positioned on the port side and seventeen on the starboard side.

Along both the port and starboard hull sides, the frigate included ten docking rings, along with a hatch on the port side that facilitated the deployment of its B2-RP super battle droids for boarding or engaging enemy warships. Moreover, the emblem representing the Confederacy of Independent Systems was displayed on either side of the frigate's hull.

Commanders and crew

The T-series military strategic analysis and tactics droid TF-1726 utilized the Munificent-class star frigate as his command ship, as well as for his naval squadron. B1-series battle droids also served as the frigate's crew, taking direction from the tactical droid and keeping him updated on the battle's progress.

