The New Jedi Order: Dark Tide I: Onslaught

Onslaught: Dark Tide I, from The New Jedi Order is a novel belonging to the Star Wars Legends continuity, authored by Michael A. Stackpole. Serving as the second book in the Star Wars: The New Jedi Order series, it also begins the Dark Tide duology. Del Rey initially released the novel in February of 2000, and an audiobook adaptation was subsequently created.

Publisher's Synopsis

The New Republic is in a precarious situation. At a time when solidarity is paramount, suspicion is growing. Even the Jedi Order is feeling the pressure, with dissident factions challenging Luke Skywalker's authority. When the Yuuzhan Vong, an alien race of invaders, launch a surprise attack, the New Republic finds itself immediately on the back foot.

To overcome the most serious danger since Emperor Palpatine, Luke must utilize the full extent of his abilities as a Jedi Master. As Leia Organa Solo and Gavin Darklighter guide fleeing refugees in a desperate retreat from the Yuuzhan Vong, Mara Jade Skywalker, along with Jedi apprentices Jacen and Anakin Solo, and Jedi Knight Corran Horn, are tested as never before by an emotionless, relentless enemy determined to extinguish the New Republic's light forever under a blanket of ultimate darkness…

Plot Synopsis

The Outer Rim is being invaded by the alien Yuuzhan Vong, who are attacking various sectors without mercy. Lando Calrissian's planet, Dubrillion, is attacked and conquered. Luke Skywalker responds to the Yuuzhan Vong's aggression by dispatching a select group of Jedi on various reconnaissance missions. Luke and Jacen Solo travel to Belkadan, Corran Horn and the headstrong Ganner Rhysode are sent to the planet Bimmiel to find a group of missing scientists, and Anakin Solo goes with Mara Jade Skywalker to Dantooine due to Mara's declining health.

Upon arriving at the ExGal facility on Belkadan, Luke and Jacen discover widespread destruction, with machinery in ruins. They then discover a Yuuzhan Vong outpost that uses slaves to cultivate their bio-technology. Corran and Ganner locate the missing scientists, along with a Yuuzhan Vong outpost (also using slaves) where the inhabitants are searching for the remains of a Yuuzhan Vong that had died and was recovered by the scientists. Meanwhile, on Dantooine, Mara is teaching young Anakin aspects of the Force that he was previously unaware of. Jacen, acting on a vision, fights and loses to a Vong warrior on Belkadan, and is imprisoned in the Embrace of Pain before Luke rescues him. Sensing danger on Dantooine, the two Jedi leave the planet. Their intuition proves correct, as they arrive just in time to save Anakin and Mara from Yuuzhan Vong warriors who have found them and are hunting them down.

The Yuuzhan Vong, pursuing refugees fleeing from the destruction of Dubrillion, arrive in force at Dantooine. The resulting "onslaught" results in the deaths of hundreds of the Vong's primary slave invasion force, and a New Republic victory, but comes at a high cost, as half of the refugees are killed during the battle.

On Bimmiel, Corran and Ganner try to rescue two captured scientists. Ganner gets away with the two, forcing Corran to fight and barely defeat two Yuuzhan Vong warriors; Ganner then has to rescue the injured Corran, who survives. Shedao Shai, a Yuuzhan Vong commander, is later informed of the deaths of his relatives, Neira and Dranae and the theft of his ancestor's remains. Consumed by a desire for revenge, Shai vows to spill the blood of the Jeedai (the Vong's mispronunciation of Jedi) responsible.

Continuity Notes

The New Jedi Order: Dark Tide I: Onslaught incorrectly states that Kyp Durron was sixteen when he first went to the Jedi academy; the novels I, Jedi and Dark Apprentice, which feature Durron's arrival at the academy, previously established that he was eighteen years old.

Media Offerings

Available Editions

United States

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Cover Art

