The New King

The sixth episode of Star Wars: Droids: The Adventures of R2-D2 and C-3PO is entitled "The New King". Ken Stephenson directed the episode, while Peter Sauder penned the script. It was originally broadcast on October 12, 1985 by ABC.

Plot summary

Skirmish in space

To ensure Julpa can reclaim his throne, Jessica Meade is tasked with transporting Prince Mon Julpa, Jann Tosh, C-3PO, and R2-D2 back to Tammuz-an. During their travels, R2-D2 activates a hologram message from Putch Gundarian, who advises his nephew to be careful. The current situation involves the royal Vizier, Ko Zatec-Cha, having usurped the throne, aiming to govern the planet after retrieving the royal scepter of Tammuz-an, which represents his authority. To achieve this, he contracts IG-88, a notorious bounty hunter, to seize Mon Julpa and acquire the scepter.

As Jann Tosh and his companions journey through space, they encounter Gir Kybo Ren-Cha, a pirate corsair, who attempts to seize their vessel. Jessica's skilled piloting averts their destruction, and they receive unexpected assistance from IG-88. The assassin droid targets Captain Kybo's ship, preventing him from overtaking the heroes, as he wants to ensure he gets paid for his bounty.

Trouble on Tammuz-an

Jann and his allies eventually make it to Tammuz-an. Mon Julpa must return the royal scepter to the Keeper of the Tower atop the royal palace by the first sun of the equinox if he wants to secure his position as the rightful ruler. They find temporary lodging in one of the capital city's townhouses. Jessica Meade seeks treatment at a nearby medical station for injuries sustained during her confrontation with Captain Kybo. However, Zatec-Cha's guards intercept her at the station and take her captive.

Simultaneously, Jann Tosh notices Vinga, Zatec-Cha's aide, lurking suspiciously outside the castle. Jann and the droids give chase, leaving Mon Julpa vulnerable. Jann, Threepio, and Artoo find themselves in an alley where they are ambushed by Zatec-Cha's guards. The trio manages to evade Vinga and his guards after a chase through the streets. Meanwhile, back at the townhouse, IG-88 steals the royal scepter and uses it to capture Mon Julpa.

Fight for the scepter

Vizier Zatec-Cha reveals his scheme to seize the scepter and rule Tammuz-an at the royal palace. Mon Julpa remains defiant. Zatec-Cha intends to feed both him and Jessica to his pet. Vinga and the guards arrive with news of Jann and the droids' escape. Jann, R2-D2, and C-3PO manage to infiltrate the royal palace. However, they are ensnared and plummet through a trapdoor leading to a labyrinthine course filled with obstacles, including droids, a lava pit, and hazardous chambers.

Concurrently, Zatec-Cha and Vinga escort the captured Mon Julpa and Jessica to a large pit containing a massive creature known as a Durkii. Having navigated the obstacle course, Jann, C-3PO, and R2-D2 find themselves in the Durkii's pit alongside Mon Julpa and Jessica. After a brief struggle, R2-D2 pacifies the creature by removing irritating insects called Kleex from its scales. Relieved of the pests, the Durkii no longer poses a threat.

After escaping, they rush to the palace's highest towers to stop Zatec-Cha before the first sun. Zatec Cha throws obstacles at Mon Julpa and his allies. The Vizier and his henchmen battle Jessica and Jann for the scepter while piloting various skiffs. R2-D2 and C-3PO also pilot a flying machine, eliminating two of Zatec-Cha's henchmen.

Zatec-Cha and Vinga reach the tower, but are pursued by the droids, Jessica, Jann, and Mon Julpa. Following a short conflict, Mon Julpa defeats Zatec-Cha and places the royal scepter in its designated spot, thus solidifying his position as the rightful ruler of Tammuz-an. Zatec-Cha expresses his rage while Vinga attempts to switch allegiances. Mon Julpa orders the guards to apprehend them. Zatec-Cha vows revenge, claiming he has spies everywhere. C-3PO falls off R2-D2, leading the protocol droid to suggest to his astromech counterpart that R2-D2 should be on top next time.


Jann, Jessica, and the droids attend Mon Julpa's coronation. Mon Julpa appoints Jann as an advisor to his court as a sign of his appreciation. He also provides Jessica with a new ship and escort. Jessica says she plans to stay around to rub shoulders with royalty. C-3PO and R2-D2 are also given medals for their services. The two droids prevent a plot to steal jewelry and medals.


In 1999, "The New King" was included in the feature film The Pirates and the Prince on VHS. It was also released on the Star Wars: Droids DVD in 2004.


At a spaceport, the craft that was retconned into the R-22 Spearhead is visible and is referred to as an A-wing in the subsequent episode, despite the fact that A-wings had not yet been invented during the time period in which the series is set. Some have proposed that "A-wing" might simply be a local name for the craft developed by the Tammuz-an, which the Rebel Alliance later adopted as their name for the craft when they began using it.

Even though the B-wing wasn't created until 1 ABY, one could argue that a B-wing is visible in this episode. Leland Chee has put forward the idea that the vehicle resembling a B-wing might actually be an H-60 Tempest bomber. If this is the case, it would be similar to the R-22 Spearhead retcon.

Ko Zatec-Cha hired IG-88 prior to the events of "The Lost Prince"; it was mentioned in that episode that the droid was searching for Mon Julpa.

In Part 2 of Abel G. Peña's online blog The Droids Re-Animated, the ship that IG-88 pilots was identified as IG-1000 and classified as a modified version of the TIE/LN starfighter.


