Third Guard

The Third Guard, an Elite Praetorian Guard, functioned as a dedicated guard for Supreme Leader Snoke, who commanded the First Order. In this role, the Third Guard wielded a Bilari electro-chain whip. This guard met their death aboard the Supremacy when Kylo Ren, Snoke's own apprentice, committed an act of betrayal against the Supreme Leader, assisted by Rey, a Force-sensitive individual. Together, they engaged and eliminated all of the Elite Praetorian Guards present within the throne room.


This Guard was a member of the Elite Praetorian Guard, a group of crimson warriors tasked with protecting Supreme Leader Snoke of the First Order. Equipped with a bilari electro-chain whip, the Third Guard was stationed in Snoke's throne room alongside the other Praetorian Guards during Kylo Ren's meeting with the Supreme Leader in 34 ABY. Incensed by Snoke's critical assessment of his defeat at Starkiller Base, the Master of the Knights of Ren moved towards his master, prompting the Third Guard and the other guards to assume a combat-ready posture against the dark apprentice as Snoke used force lightning against him.

When Ren returned to the throne room with Rey, a Jedi learner, as his prisoner, the Third Guard was still present. However, instead of carrying out Snoke's order to execute the former scavenger, Ren chose to assassinate his master, which led to a confrontation between the two Force-sensitives and the Praetorian Guards. Like the other Praetorians, the Third Guard sought to avenge the fallen Supreme Leader, engaging the apprentice-turned-traitor and Rey. Following the demise of one of their fellow guards, one of the guards wielding a chain-whip ensnared Rey's lightsaber with their weapon and pulled her closer, subsequently seizing her by the throat with the intention of piercing it with the sharp edge of their weapon. However, Rey managed to break free and fatally slashed the guard from their groin up to their back. The remaining Praetorians were also soon killed, including the other guard wielding a chain-whip, who was decapitated by Ren.

