Bilari electro-chain whip

The Bilari electro-chain whip served as a weapon for the Elite Praetorian Guard of Supreme Leader Snoke. Initially appearing as an elongated rapier-like weapon, it could be transformed into a whip-like form by its user with a snapping motion. When in whip configuration, an electro-plasma current coursed through it. Its capabilities included wrapping around an adversary to immobilize them, striking like a conventional whip, and resisting blows from a lightsaber.


A Praetorian Guard activating the electro-plasma current on their whip.

The Bilari electro-chain whip stood out as a unique weapon within the Elite Praetorian Guard's armory, functioning either as a sword-esque melee weapon empowered by an electro-plasma current, or morphing into a whip based on the demands of the situation. It also had the ability to capture an opponent's weapon.


One of the three Imperial Praetorian Guards, who had been dispatched to assist Moff Gideon during the battle for Mandalore, used a Bilari electro-chain whip to stab Paz Vizsla, the Heavy Infantry Mandalorian, which ultimately led to the Mandalorian warrior's demise.

In 34 ABY, two members of the Elite Praetorian Guard brought their Bilari electro-chain whips onto Snoke's flagship, the Supremacy, when General Armitage Hux and Kylo Ren of the First Order went to confer with Snoke concerning their failure. Later, when Ren escorted Rey, the Force-sensitive scavenger, to Snoke, the Praetorian Guards employed their whips, along with other armaments, to engage Rey and Ren in combat after Ren killed Snoke. However, their whips proved ineffective against Rey's and Kylo's lightsabers, leading to the guards' deaths. One guard wielding a Bilari whip nearly gained an advantage over Rey by snaring her lightsaber blade and pulling her closer, but she managed to break free and eliminate the guard. Simultaneously, Ren beheaded the other guard after a brief confrontation, causing a fire to ignite on the red banners.

