Thrown Into Battle

"Thrown Into Battle," one of five animated shorts, debuted on May 4, 2017. Its purpose was to promote the second season of LEGO Star Wars: The Freemaker Adventures. The LEGO Star Wars website was its initial release platform. Later, on June 17, "Thrown Into Battle" and the other four shorts were combined into an omnibus episode titled "A New Home," which also premiered on the LEGO Star Wars website.

Official description

Roger saves the Rebel Fleet from certain destruction when he accidentally turns himself into a torpedo.

Plot summary

The story begins with the Alliance Fleet in the vastness of space. Inside a droid cafe, Chopper is shown repairing a silver-colored protocol droid, while nearby, a red protocol droid provides maintenance to another astromech droid. Roger, a modified B1-series battle droid, enters carrying a tray filled with beverages and nearly stumbles. He identifies himself as the last battle droids to have survived the Clone Wars, mentioning his job as an attache to three children for whom he bakes Sweet-sand cookies. Before serving the droids their drinks, Roger mentions he's writing his autobiography. While expressing his desire for friendship, Roger clumsily bumps a protocol droid with his tray.

Roger informs the droids that he has brought them motor oil, which he enjoys. The silver protocol droid cautions that it is highly flammable, immediately before an explosion engulfs the room. The explosion propels Roger outward. The enraged droids then pursue him. Later, inside the Home One hangar, Zander and Rowan Freemaker are shown repairing the StarScavenger. Zander comments that his ship has been repaired so many times that its original components are unrecognizable.

Roger, battered and missing an arm, enters the hangar. He explains that he offered friendship to some droids, and they responded by attacking him with his own arm. Roger expresses his frustration at the difficulty of making friends. Kordi reattaches his arm and encourages him not to give up. When Rowan inquires about what droids like, Roger has an idea and decides to construct an improvised buffer. As Roger builds, Rowan remarks on its appearance, but Roger cannot hear due to wearing a muffler. Rowan repeats himself, but Roger remains unable to hear due to the noise. Ultimately, Rowan encourages him to continue his efforts.

Suddenly, Admiral Ackbar issues an urgent alert, ordering the fleet's starfighters to launch. The Empire has discovered the Rebel fleet. An Imperial Star Destroyer approaches and launches its TIE fighters. Lieutenant Valeria leads Blue Squadron into battle, instructing her pilots to destroy the Star Destroyer's turbolaser cannons.

Concurrently, Roger finds himself short on spare parts and decides to scavenge for more. The rebel fighters are unable to penetrate the Star Destroyer's deflector shields and begin to take losses. While Zander is busy servicing an A-wing starfighter, Roger takes a power cell for his buffer, leaving Zander one cell short. Meanwhile, Rowan locates an engine for a Y-wing that Kordi is repairing. Roger steals the engine along with several tools. He carelessly throws a piece of scrap, which becomes lodged in the engines of a B-wing starfighter, causing it to explode. Alarms begin to sound.

In space, Valeria wonders when reinforcements will arrive. A Mon Calamari crew member informs Ackbar of an obstruction in the hangar bay, preventing the launch of additional fighters. Ackbar expresses despair, stating that they are doomed without fighter support and emphasizing the need to breach the Imperial shield. Back in the hangar bay, Roger activates his improvised buffer, only to be launched into space. Roger collides with the Star Destroyer's deflector shield generator, causing its shields to fail. Admiral Ackbar orders his crew to focus all firepower on the Star Destroyer, destroying it. Zander celebrates until Rowan asks about Roger's whereabouts.

Later, the StarScavenger retrieves Roger from space. In the presence of the Freemakers and other rebels, Admiral Ackbar awards Roger a medal for his actions. Roger instructs Chopper to keep the incident a secret. Roger and Chopper then test the buffer, only to be launched into space once more. Zander observes that Roger forgot to refine the machine.

