To promote the second season of LEGO Star Wars: The Freemaker Adventures, "Home One" premiered as the first of five short animated videos on May 4, 2017. The short was initially available on the LEGO Star Wars official website. Later, on June 17, "Home One" and the other four shorts were compiled into a single episode titled "A New Home" and released on the LEGO Star Wars website.
The video begins with the StarScavenger approaching Home One, an MC80A Home One Type Heavy Star Cruiser serving as the flagship for the Alliance Fleet. Rowan Freemaker expresses his excitement about joining the Rebel Alliance. Kordi remarks that they will no longer have to scavenge for resources. Zander voices his desire to fly a rebel starfighter. Roger hopes that a cafeteria is available, as he is looking forward to having someone else prepare meals for a change.
The Freemakers exit the Star Scavenger inside Home One's hangar. Admiral Ackbar and several rebel soldiers greet them. Ackbar informs them that the rebels intercepted a transmission from the Emperor ordering his forces to locate the Freemakers, and he believes they can be of use. Admiral Ackbar then asks Rowan what he did to anger the Emperor. Rowan explains that he stole the Kyber Saber, the most powerful weapon in the galaxy, and disposed of it in a lava pit. This revelation shocks Ackbar and the other rebels. Ackbar then inquires about their other skills.
As Kordi is about to explain that they are scavengers, a U-wing crashes within the hangar. The pilot, a dark-skinned human woman named Lieutenant Valeria, emerges from the ship and scolds the ground crew for failing to repair the steering. A ground crew member responds that he lacks a Type A vector coil and asks if anyone has one. The rebels are facing a shortage of spare parts. Kordi offers to acquire a vector coil, and Rowan tells Admiral Ackbar that this is their specialty. Kordi mentions that they need a small ignition switch, which the two crew members dismiss as unlikely. Admiral Ackbar promises the Freemakers a permanent position with the Rebel Alliance if they can provide the rebels with a Type A vector coil.
The StarScavenger takes off into space. Once on board, Roger informs the other Freemakers that U-wing parts are difficult to find and that Type A coils are virtually impossible to obtain. Zander asks how they will acquire one without an ignition switch, and Rowan tells them to trust Kordi, who smiles confidently. The Freemakers travel to Cloud City, where she persuades a pair of Ugnaughts to trade their switch for a comlink degausser. Later, on a desert planet, Kordi convinces a CZ-series secretary/business communications droid to exchange the comlink gasser for an ion projector. The Freemakers then head to Takodana, where a Rodian trades the ion projector for one Type Two power cell. When Rowan objects that the merchant is exploiting them, the merchant summons his heavy muscle, the bounty hunter Grummgar. Kordi attempts to negotiate with Grummgar, but he remains unyielding, leading her to seize the power cell.
On Kashyyyk, the Freemakers inadvertently find themselves in the midst of a battle between the Wookiees and Trandoshans. An Auzituck anti-slaver gunship is chasing two Trandoshans. Kordi convinces a pair of Wookiees to exchange their repulsor disc for the power cell. Roger's head pleads with the Wookiees, and the deal is finalized. On Tatooine, Kordi attempts to barter the repulsor disc with a group of Jawas for two Type-A vector coils. In the background, Rowan, Zander, and Roger are ensnared by the tentacles of a sarlacc. Kordi succeeds in trading the repulsor disc for one Type A vector cell. Zander installs the Type A vector coil in Valerian's U-wing, enabling her to engage the Empire. After Valeria departs, Ackbar informs Kordi that the Freemakers are hired but that the rebels require many more spare parts, including stabilizers and deflector shields.