Return of the Kyber Saber

title: "Return of the Kyber Saber"

The final episode, and thirteenth overall, of LEGO Star Wars: The Freemaker Adventures's first season is called "Return of the Kyber Saber". This episode also holds the distinction of being the thirteenth in the entire series. It was initially broadcast on August 29, 2016 on the Disney XD channel.

Official description

The climactic showdown for the Kyber Saber pits Rowan against Naare and the Emperor!

Plot summary

Empire Day

Emperor Palpatine and Darth Vader on Empire Day

The episode commences on Coruscant with a visual of a red balloon, displaying the image of Emperor Palpatine, ascending towards the highest point of the Imperial Palace, formerly known as the Jedi Temple. After observing the celebrations below, the Emperor turns around to accept gifts from a lengthy queue of Imperial officers, headed by Darth Vader. However, Palpatine is not pleased with the gifts, which are revealed to be mugs proclaiming him as the best Emperor in the galaxy.

He instructs Vader to monitor a Rebel location on Mygeeto and then destroys a mug presented by an Emperor's Royal Guard. Shortly after, Palpatine receives information from Naare, the Sith follower, stating her current journey to locate the final Kyber Saber crystal. Following Naare's assurance that neither Luke Skywalker nor Rowan Freemaker will cause any difficulty, Palpatine declares that this Empire Day will be unforgettable. He complains when an Imperial officer presents him with yet another mug, questioning if they were on sale.

Naare and the Kyber Saber

The fortified Imperial Palace

At the Freemaker Garage located on the Wheel, Rowan employs the Force to reconstruct both the StarScavenger and the Blazemaker Mark II, while Zander and Kordi Freemaker observe in amazement. Rowan subsequently collapses from the strain of using the Force, but he assures Kordi that he is fine. Zander praises his younger brother and suggests they pursue Naare. Kordi responds that they won't arrive in time to prevent Naare from reassembling the Kyber Saber. Rowan concedes that might be true, but clarifies that chasing Naare isn't part of his strategy.

On the planet of Rowan's hiding place, Naare exits the Eclipse Fighter carrying the head of Roger. The B1-series battle droid urges her to introspect, questioning whether she is inherently evil or simply misunderstood. Naare concludes that she is evil and throws the head back into the fighter's cockpit. Upon entering the cave, she discovers the last Kyber Saber crystal and uses the Force to rebuild the ancient weapon. To test the Kyber Saber's power, Naare uses it to carve up a series of mountains and obliterate a nearby small planet. As she admires its capabilities, Roger expresses his disagreement from inside the Eclipse Fighter.

Returning to the Freemaker Garage, Rowan formulates a plan to impersonate the Emperor and deceive Naare into handing over the Kyber Saber. Zander and Kordi believe Rowan's plan is unlikely to succeed until Rowan convinces them that the destiny of the Galaxy rests on three young people. Before their departure, Kordi suggests incorporating a wild card. Meanwhile, on the uncharted planet, Naare utilizes the Kyber Saber to destroy a nearby planet. While celebrating her triumph, she receives a communication from the Emperor who demands his Kyber Saber. He promises to eliminate the Rebellion before dinner, along with anyone else he dislikes. The Emperor is furious to see Naare wielding the weapon, stating that he wouldn't allow Vader, let alone a "second-rate" Sith like Naare, to touch it.

Naare responds that she possesses the most formidable weapon in the Galaxy and questions why she should relinquish it to him. While the Emperor struggles to respond, Naare informs him that she is coming to deliver the weapon and tear him apart. The Emperor attempts to reconcile, but Naare replies that upon her arrival on Coruscant, she will become the Empress. Palpatine responds that this would present a problem.

Infiltrating Coruscant

Naare takes the Kyber Saber for herself

Meanwhile, Rowan and his siblings arrive on Coruscant. Rowan notes that half the Galaxy has gathered for Empire Day. Upon seeing the Imperial Palace guarded by numerous Imperial Star Destroyers, AT-AT walkers, and stormtroopers, Kordi comments that entering the Palace will be difficult. After landing their ship, Rowan convinces his siblings that they must go underground, as the Empire controls both the air and the ground. The Freemakers descend into the sewers, with Zander complaining about the odor. Kordi adds that stormtroopers cannot tolerate the smell.

The Freemakers soon encounter a Probe droid. Zander attacks the droid with his wrench, managing to knock it into the sewers with Rowan's Force abilities. Simultaneously, Naare arrives on Coruscant in her Eclipse Fighter and discovers that the Emperor has deployed several TIE fighters and Gozanti cruisers to intercept her. However, Naare destroys the Imperial forces by firing her starfighter's laser cannons and wielding the Kyber Saber. Naare remarks that the Empire never valued her skills, while Roger comments that the Emperor will now have to bow to her.

Back on Coruscant, Rowan uses a grappling hook to create a makeshift zip line to cross a trench. The Freemakers cross the barrier while several DLC-13 mining droids hover above. While attempting to cross the zip line, Zander falls into the trench, but Rowan uses the Force to command a floating droid to lift him. Zander embraces his younger brother and expresses his gratitude for saving his life. Meanwhile, Naare tells Roger he is witnessing history as she destroys two Imperial Star Destroyers. Roger laments his lack of hands to cover his eyes. Naare laughs triumphantly.

Rowan's plan

Rowan takes on Naare

At the Imperial Palace, Palpatine complains about sending Vader to Mygeeto and contacts the Sith Lord via hologram. Vader reports he has located the rebel fleet. The Emperor orders Vader to return to Coruscant immediately. Concurrently, Rowan uses his lightsaber to cut an opening into the Palace. The Freemakers then encounter two stormtroopers. Instead of attempting to charm the stormtroopers with conversation, Kordi immobilizes them with a chain. When Zander and Kordi give her a strange look, she reminds them that they are on a tight schedule. Rowan then puts on the "Emperor Palpatine" robe that he acquired from Naboo. Kordi cautions Rowan not to underestimate Naare.

Via hologram, Naare informs Palpatine that he is next. When an Imperial officer reports that his analysis indicates Naare poses a significant threat, Palpatine replies that he is not Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin before ordering an evacuation. Rowan proceeds toward the Emperor's throne room, communicating with Zander via comlink. He encounters the Emperor and his entourage. However, Palpatine mistakes Rowan for a decoy and allows him to enter the throne room. Inside the throne room, Rowan contacts his siblings and informs them that they don't need to distract Palpatine because he has left the building. Zander believes that things are finally going their way until Kordi points out that Naare has arrived in her Eclipse Fighter.

Upon landing, she throws Roger's head out of the cockpit. Kordi retrieves Roger's head and embraces him. When Roger informs them that the bad news is that Naare has the Kyber Saber, Zander responds that the good news is that Rowan will impersonate the Emperor and steal it from her. Roger then informs them that Naare has other plans. A bored Rowan plays with his voice modulator when Naare enters the room. Naare then attacks the fake Emperor and destroys furniture with the Kyber Saber.

Showdown with Naare

Zander flies his Blazemaker II

After exchanging a few blows, Naare realizes she is fighting Rowan and is surprised that he is still alive, questioning his alliance with the Emperor. Rowan responds with, "Still alive. Don't know. And eww, no!" But before she can kill him, the building is attacked by a group of AT-AT and AT-ST walkers led by Palpatine. However, Naare dismisses them with the Kyber Saber and her Force abilities. Palpatine jumps out of his walker before it collapses. Naare destroys more TIE fighters with the Saber.

Zander and Kordi escape aboard the StarScavenger with Roger's head while civilians flee the Imperial Palace. Standing at the pinnacle of the Jedi Temple, Naare proclaims herself Empress of the Galaxy. Several civilians, including Furlac and Wick Cooper, voice their opposition and boo her. Losing her composure, Naare uses the Force to levitate their platform before unleashing a shock wave that destroys it. Wick falls to the ground while scattering his credits. Kordi and Zander fly their ship to the rescue and pull the civilians into their cargo bay. Wick believes he has died and asks if this is the afterlife.

Meanwhile, Kordi tries to contact Rowan but receives no response. The Freemakers drop off the passengers on a platform before returning for Rowan. Zander and Kordi contact Rowan, who has emerged from the rubble, and tell him they must leave the planet before Naare destroys it. However, Rowan is determined to stop Naare since he can control the Kyber Saber. He calls out to Naare, who tells him that he has more lives than a Loth-cat. Rowan tells her that he can call out to the crystals and uses the Force to disassemble the weapon and summon it to him. He then reforges the Kyber Saber and fights Naare, who draws her Sith lightsaber.

Rowan uses the Kyber Saber to create walls to block Naare, but she cuts through them with her lightsaber. After a brief battle, Rowan uses the pieces of rubble to restrain Naare. He considers taking revenge on his defeated enemy. Palpatine then encourages Rowan to execute her and offers to train him as his Sith apprentice. However, Rowan refuses to succumb to the dark side and decides to spare Naare's life. Rejecting Sithhood, Rowan jumps onto the waiting StarScavenger nearby and tells the Emperor he can't have the Kyber Saber. The Emperor sends TIE fighters after the Freemakers. Rowan enters the cockpit as Zander tells them to hang on. A bodiless Roger laments having no hands.

Escaping Coruscant

The Freemakers join the Rebel Alliance

With TIE fighters pursuing them, Zander pilots his Blazemaker Mark II and uses Rowan's lightsaber to lead them on a chase. Meanwhile, Kordi and Rowan take the StarScavenger split up. Back at the Imperials Palace, Naare joins the Emperor in cheering for the TIE fighter pilots to get the Zander's ship until he blasts her with Force lightning. Zander laughs at having fooled the Imperials and tells Rowan that the Blazemaker Mark II is the ship of his dreams. Kordi and Rowan use one more trump card to play by using the Kyber Saber to redesign the StarScavenger. This fools the Imperial fighters and the Freemakers are able to escape into hyperspace. The Emperor can only frothe in rage as the TIEs search in vain for the StarScavenger. Before fleeing into hyperspace, roger asks them if they could reattach him to his body.

Back on Coruscant, the Emperor orders all ships to search for the Freemakers. Naare tries to sneak a way only to be captured by Dengar, Baash, Raam, and Graballa, who seek revenge for her double-crossing. Whenever Vader arrives, he finds the Imperial Palace in ruins and the Emperor enraged at the loss of the Kyber Saber. The Emperor declares Rowan Public Enemy 27 after learning that the Empire has other targets including Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia Organa, Han Solo, Chewbacca, Lando Calrissian, and R2-D2. Vader tries to comfort his master by reminding Palpatine that the second Death Star is nearing completion when he hears the news. Palpatine blames Naare for everything and wonders where she is.


Naare, on the other hand, has been encased in carbonite and hung on the wall of Graballa's hideout. Baash, Raam, and Yeppau struggle to lift Naare's frozen body. The Hutt crime lord acknowledges that his cousin Jabba occasionally has the right idea. Elsewhere, Rowan decides to destroy the Kyber Saber by throwing it into a river of lava. Kordi and Zander suggest that Rowan could use the Kyber Saber for good, but Rowan admits that Master Baird Kantoo was correct and that a warrior should know when to relinquish his weapon.

Once aboard the StarScavenger, Zander asks his siblings where they should go next, as they are wanted in every civilized system in the Galaxy. Roger adds uncivilized systems as well. Kordi says they cannot return home to the Wheel. Rowan reminds his older siblings and Roger that regardless of their destination, they will always find a home as long as they remain together. Then, as if on cue, the entire rebel fleet appears. Admiral Gial Ackbar appears on their hologram, searching for the Empire's 27th "Most Wanted" fugitive, Rowan Freemaker. Rowan identifies himself, and the Admiral recruits the Freemakers into the Alliance with a job offer. Kordi asks if it is a paid position before the screen fades out.

