"Duel of Destiny" represents the twelfth installment within the first season of the animated television program, LEGO Star Wars: The Freemaker Adventures. It also holds the position of being the twelfth episode when considering the entire series. This particular episode was initially broadcasted on Disney XD on August 22, 2016.
Aboard the Executor, the Super Star Destroyer, Emperor Palpatine reminds Darth Vader that Empire Day is approaching in a matter of days and voices his strong desire to acquire the Kyber Saber. The Emperor then establishes contact with Naare, his agent affiliated with the Sith, and restates his firm requirement for the Kyber Saber, which greatly angers her. Graballa the Hutt attempts to console her by mentioning that he has numerous informants ("eyes and noses") throughout the galaxy who are actively searching for the Freemakers. Naare remains infuriated by Rowan Freemaker's deception, which occurred when she was on the verge of achieving victory. In her rage, she utilizes the Force to forcefully throw Graballa and his associates against the nearby wall.

In a parallel sequence of events, Zander and Kordi embark on a journey that takes them to various locations including Naboo, Cloud City, Kashyyyk, and Tatooine as they actively search for Rowan and Roger. While on Naboo, Zander and Kordi interrogate multiple Gungan individuals. On Kashyyyk, the siblings inadvertently find themselves amidst an ongoing conflict involving Wookiees and Trandoshans. Upon arriving on Tatooine, they fall victim to a robbery committed by a group of Jawas who abscond with their valuable tools. Feeling frustrated and defeated, Kordi and Zander make the decision to return to the StarScavenger using their X-34 landspeeder and subsequently head back to their garage located on The Wheel. However, their presence is detected by Garindan, the Kubaz spy, who promptly relays this information about the older Freemakers to Yeppau, Graballa's Toydarian valet.
In a separate location, Rowan is engaged in lightsaber training, utilizing a number of outdated training droids on an unidentified planet. R0-GR, who is seated near a fire, inquires about the possibility of returning home. However, Rowan indicates that he is not yet prepared to leave and requests the B1-series battle droid to replay a recording of a Clone Wars battle that features Kit Fisto, the esteemed Jedi Master. Despite Roger's discomfort with reliving the memories of his own destruction, he ultimately agrees to Rowan's request. Rowan offers an apology to Roger but emphasizes that he is not yet adequately prepared to confront Naare. Rowan remains steadfast in his commitment to continuing his Jedi training.
As Naare engages in meditation, Graballa and his subordinates receive information from Yeppau, indicating that Garindan has identified Kordi and Zander on Tatooine. Graballa expresses his frustration regarding his underlings' failure to capture the young boy. Naare devises a strategy to entice Rowan to reveal his location by targeting his brother and sister. Later, the older Freemakers arrive at the Wheel aboard the StarScavenger, where they are greeted by Furlac, their Aqualish landlord, who has come to collect the overdue rent. Furlac also demands additional compensation for damages incurred to their garage.
Shortly thereafter, Graballa and Naare arrive and take Zander and Kordi captive. Furlac then flees the garage. Zander and Kordi are placed in restraints but refuse to cooperate with Naare and Graballa. Naare decides to employ psychological torment, utilizing the Force to inflict damage upon the Star Scavenger's turrets and incinerating Kordi's credits. Furthermore, she employs the Force to disintegrate Zander's Z-wings.

In the meantime, Rowan requests Roger to replay memories of the First Battle of Geonosis. Roger is hesitant and instead presents the boy with a clip of himself falling down a set of stairs. Ultimately, Roger complies with Rowan's request and plays a clip of him and other battle droids engaged in combat with Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, and Mace Windu, with the latter slicing the droid into six separate pieces. While engaging in another training session with his practice droids, Rowan experiences a vision in which Kordi and Zander are being subjected to torture by Naare. Despite Roger's warning that this is a trap, Rowan responds that there is no value in saving the Galaxy if it means abandoning the people he cares about. The two then journey back to The Wheel aboard the Mini Scavenger.
Back at the Wheel, Naare is preparing to initiate a second round of torture, utilizing her Sith lightsaber. However, before she can inflict harm upon Zander and Kordi, Rowan and Roger arrive in their scavenger vessel, crashing into the surrounding debris. Before Naare can launch an attack, the two leap onto a platform, and Rowan challenges Naare to a lightsaber duel. Dengar, the bounty hunter, fires at Rowan, but the boy deflects the blaster bolts, redirecting them towards Zander and Kordi's chains, thereby freeing them. A gunfight then erupts between the Freemakers and Graballa's henchmen. Zander and Kordi exchange gunfire with the intruders.
Meanwhile, Naare reiterates her demand that Rowan surrender the final kyber crystal, but the boy instead engages her in a lightsaber duel. At Rowan's command, Roger releases a barrage of spare parts and debris at her, but Naare levitates them using the Force. This diversion allows Rowan to launch an attack on her. After evading blaster fire from Baash and Raam, Zander employs a magnetizer to ensnare the two gangsters. While Rowan is engaged in combat with Naare, Dengar pursues Kordi upstairs, only to be trapped by her in a turbofan. Dengar manages to escape by shooting the controls.
When Naare once again demands that Rowan relinquish the Kyber crystal, the boy informs her that he has concealed the crystal on an uncharted planet. In another location, Bash and Raam struggle to break free from the magnetizer. Graballa instructs them to release their blasters, but the two refuse to relinquish their weapons. Zander then launches a gas canister at Graballa, causing the Hutt to collide with Baash and Raam. After Rowan forces her into a corner during their fight, Naare acknowledges that his lightsaber skills have improved. When Rowan reveals that he acquired his skills from Anakin, Naare responds that the Jedi are deceased before hurling more debris at the boy.
Rowan, however, deflects the objects using the Force. When Naare demands to know who trained him, Roger reveals that he showed Rowan all of the Jedi, including Mace Windu. Utilizing Master Windu's techniques, Rowan forces Naare into a corner. Roger then adds that he has imparted all of his knowledge to the boy. At that moment, Naare realizes that Roger possesses knowledge of the crystal's hidden location and hurls Rowan aside. She then leaps onto the platform and decapitates the droid, despite Roger's protests. Triumphant, Naare then uses debris to pin down Kordi and Zander before leaping down from the platform.

Believing they have achieved victory, Graballa then demands that Naare provide him with his share of the Kyber crystals, as he needs to pay his broker the deposit for his resort. However, Naare reneges on their agreement and informs him that she is a Sith and that the Sith are known for their deceit. When Graballa orders Dengar to retrieve Roger's head, Naare hurls him away using the Force. She then employs the Force to sweep the gangsters and the surrounding debris out of the Freemaker Garage. Despite Roger's objections, she connects the droid's head to a Holoprojector. As a result, Naare discovers the location of the planet.
Rowan attempts to prevent Naare from leaving, but the Sith buries him beneath a mountain of debris. While impressed by the boy's abilities, she informs him that he is not a Jedi. Naare then departs with Roger's head aboard the Eclipse Fighter. Kordi and Zander manage to free themselves from the rubble and then dig Rowan out. While Rowan is unharmed, he is disheartened by his failure to stop Naare and expresses his belief that he is not a Jedi. At that moment, Rowan experiences an epiphany and realizes that he is neither a Jedi nor a Sith but a Freemaker. After levitating the debris and wreckage with the Force, Rowan declares that he knows how they will defeat Naare.