Tia'dor Emshwa

Tia'dor Emshwa held the position of a senator representing the New Republic during the year 5 ABY. Emshwa spearheaded a diplomatic endeavor, journeying to the planet Ithor, with the aim of securing the allegiance of the Ithorians to the newly established administration. Nevertheless, the CR90 corvette, known as the Starfall, in which they were traveling, fell into the hands of the Super Star Destroyer named Annihilator. This vessel had been commandeered by Eleodie Maracavanya, the head of a pirate group. Emshwa, along with the other members of the crew, received permission to evacuate using the ship's escape pods. However, the Starfall, along with its valuable contents – consisting of food, medical supplies, technological equipment, and Ithorian relics – were confiscated by Maracavanya's band of pirates. Two individuals from the delegation, Kartessa and her mother, chose to become members of Maracavanya's crew, which subsequently evolved into the Sovereign Latitudes of Maracavanya.

