"Tracker Trouble," part of the first season of the short-form animated series Star Wars Forces of Destiny, is the tenth installment. The events of this episode are set during the timeline of Star Wars: Episode VII The Force Awakens. It initially premiered on October 1, 2017 as a component of the initial collection, and was subsequently made available on YouTube on October 2.
With their combined mechanical expertise, Chewbacca and Rey work together to locate a tracker bomb planted on the Millennium Falcon__.

Following the battle that occurred on the Eravana, Rey and BB-8 are present with Han Solo inside the Millennium Falcon's cockpit. Han advises Rey to remain inconspicuous when they arrive at Maz Kanata's castle, suggesting she "leave it to him." Abruptly, the Falcon is rocked by a sudden impact, forcing it to disengage from hyperspace. Upon Rey's inquiry about whether Han conducted a comprehensive search for tracking devices, Han redirects the question to Chewbacca, asking if he scanned the ship. As Chewbacca responds with a growl, Rey interjects, warning Han that Unkar Plutt has implemented a newer type of tracking device, necessitating a manual inspection.
Han declares his intention to restore the [hyperdrive](/article/hyperdrive] and instructs Rey and Chewbacca to perform a visual inspection of the ship. In the Millennium Falcon's passageway, Finn approaches Rey, seeking clarification about the situation. Rey explains that Unkar Plutt had previously employed her to repair starships. Although she didn't install a tracking device on the Falcon, she suspects he might have. Chewbacca suggests, through a growl, that they should investigate the area near the aft sensor pulse generator. Rey interprets this, adding that Unkar Plutt might have concealed it there to prevent detection, as the augmentation would enhance the modulation.
The trio discovers the tracker attached to the sensor pulse generator. Ignoring Rey's cautions, Finn picks up the tracking device, inadvertently activating its self-destruct mechanism. Rey urges Chewbacca to transport the tracking device to the airlock. Rey and Finn become alarmed upon realizing they have only twenty seconds to discard the bomb. Finn rushes off to alert Han. Following a signal from Rey and Han, Chewbacca propels the tracking device out of the airlock. The tracker detonates, and the group of travelers proceeds on their journey to Takodana. Han commends Rey for her successful find, but Rey counters that she and Chewbacca made a strong team. Chewbacca responds with an appreciative roar.