"The Newest Member" marks the ninth installment in the initial season of the animated short-form series Star Wars Forces of Destiny. This narrative unfolds concurrently with the events of Star Wars Rebels. It premiered on Disney's YouTube platform on October 1, 2017, and subsequently aired later that day as part of the Star Wars Forces of Destiny: Volume 1 special presentation.
Within the confines of Garel City, Sabine Wren and Ketsu Onyo strategically infiltrate an Imperial storage facility. Ketsu has previously departed from the Black Sun criminal organization. During a conversation where Sabine inquires about Ketsu's potential armor redesign, Ketsu expresses her continued uncertainty regarding joining the rebellion. Their mission involves acquiring containers filled with sustenance intended for the rebel cause. Sabine elucidates that their endeavors are not always thrilling, but often involve aiding those in need. Ketsu playfully suggests that Sabine select a more stimulating mission in the future.

Upon Sabine's activation of the blast door, they encounter two stormtrooper guards stationed outside. Sabine and Ketsu swiftly incapacitate the stormtroopers using their Mandalorian helmets. Ketsu remarks on her earlier statement, while Sabine points out the presence of at least two adversaries. Subsequently, another blast door opens, and the duo faces an assault from three blaster-equipped stormtroopers. During the ensuing firefight, a stray blaster shot causes a food container to topple, revealing a young Chadra-Fan boy.
The child expresses his distress vocally. Ketsu undertakes the rescue of the child, while Sabine provides protective cover. In the process, the Black Sun symbol on Ketsu's pauldron sustains scorch damage from a blaster projectile. Sabine transmits a request for assistance to Hera Syndulla. As Ketsu inquires about Hera's estimated arrival time, the starship Ghost materializes within the hangar, using its laser cannons to repel the stormtroopers. The Ghost extends its boarding ramp, where the C1-series astromech droid Chopper greets them with enthusiastic beeps.
Sabine and Ketsu make their escape aboard the Ghost with the Chadra-Fan child, leaving the stormtroopers behind. The Chadra-Fan boy expresses his gratitude to his rescuers, while Hera commends the two for their successful completion of the task. Following Ketsu's decision to align herself with the rebellion, Sabine applies a red starbird design to Ketsu's scorched pauldron using spray paint. In response to Ketsu's appreciation of her artistic work, Sabine expresses gratitude to her friend for her change of heart and extends a welcome to the rebellion.