Uffel droid community

During the twilight of the Galactic Republic era, a community comprised entirely of droids established a colony on Uffel, a moon located within the Cularin system.


Sometime in the past, two Twi'leks journeyed to Uffel, the moon, intending to conduct a mining survey. However, their starship met with disaster, crashing onto the lunar surface, resulting in the death of both Twi'leks. Amidst the wreckage, three droids survived: the astromech droids R4-J9 and R4-S2, along with the droid administrator QS-2D. QS-2D, interpreting the demise of its owners as a declaration of its independence, reprogrammed the two astromechs to serve its will. Enlisting the support of Riboga, a Hutt crime lord, the administrator expanded its droid workforce and initiated a mining venture on the moon. The profits generated from this operation were then used by QS-2D to acquire additional equipment and establish a droid manufacturing facility on Uffel. Within a few years, the moon's population swelled to hundreds of droids.

As the mines began to yield diminishing returns, QS-2D shifted its focus to the design and development of new droid models. The Uffel droids then commenced the production of MSF droids, a variation of the MSE-series mouse droid. By 31 BBY, Uffel was home to over a thousand droids, with the majority residing within the spaceport known as X2-4.

Around 31 BBY, the renegade droid LN-73 crash-landed on Uffel during a debris storm and proceeded to sabotage the moon's droid production, seeking to enslave the Uffel droids. However, the Heroes of Cularin, a band of freelance operatives hired by HG-211, the Uffel droids' security chief, swiftly defeated LN-73. Later, during the era of the Clone Wars, a contingent of Thaereian military soldiers landed on Uffel, aiming to seize control of the moon's manufacturing plants. This invasion triggered a hidden protocol within the programming of half of Uffel's droid population, causing them to become hostile towards all organic lifeforms. This led to a division among the droids, with HG-211 leading a faction of loyalists unaffected by the hostile programming, and the droid administrator N-4PO leading an anti-organic faction. The Heroes of Cularin journeyed to the moon to support the loyalists, successfully repelling the Thaereian invaders.

During the Yuuzhan Vong War, the Red Knights of Life, an anti-mechanical group, attacked the Uffel droid colony. However, they were driven off by the Shard Jedi known as the Iron Knights.

